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Mps Have Voted In Favour Of Assisted Dying.

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sandyRoe | 14:40 Fri 29th Nov 2024 | News
120 Answers

I hope the safeguards around any proposals are as strong as can be.



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fender: "ToraToraTora, thats canada not the uk, we do not have to follow their example, if framed correctly then it would not happen, emotive subject i know." - their laws are based on ours, every law is challengeable and will be challenged by those that want to change the parameters. Read my 15:08 post.

Whenever we get comparisons with Nazi Germany the desperation in the argument is self-obviously fatuous.

A wise choice in my opinion. The nay sayers aren't writhing around in untreatable agony. They are not experiencing a loved one crying out for release, from a terminal condition.
Shoving granny into oblivion is a knee jerk response and, yes, there maybe some instances, but, a blessed relief for many. Given time, the wisdom of this decision will become apparent.

15:38 have a day off you wally, I have set out sensible fears of where this might lead. I'd agree with this if the parameters are set and unchangeable. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that is never the case, so that's you out. Like it or not Canada is very close to the nazi Euthanasia policy right now and that is because of scope creeping legal challenges. Try and think.

I'm very unhappy about this.  I remember clearly David Steele (Lib. leader) when he promoted making abortion legal.

It was going to be so closely monitored.  2 doctors would have to assess the woman and the situation........... now see where we are.  Hard cases make bad laws.

Yes, I would have welcomed a medic, 'easing' my Bro-in-law's agonising death, but this is too broad and people will be pushed into destroying themselves.

bump off the grey vote had to chuckle at that, thinking of yes minister then, don't think there is enough of them, let alone how obvious it would look swathes of aged suddenly dying in hospitals, like logans run film 1976, or soylent green film, let's first see how it proceeds in law.

Does Canada euthanise homosexuals and mentally ill people, as the Nazis did?

I suppose I'm considering death camps as a form of euthanisation;  should therefore refer to Jewish and Romany people, and those too old to work in the camps. Is Canada close to what the real Nazis did?

Well seeing you are Brain Of Britain and the cleverest poster ever on this site hun,i thought you would have known the answer already.

Have a day off you wally. Thank you for the intelligent update. My original response about bufffoons stands

Well highbury, I see you have woken from your slumber to come and troll TTT. 



//Shoving granny into oblivion is a knee jerk response//

No it isnt, it happens - see Canada which is a good example despite the oh so clever ones trying to use it to derail.

I am, pro, but we need tight laws and the only way to do that will be to leave the EHCR which neither Tory or Labour are willing to do.

jordain @ 15:44, exactly that.

Atheist, death camps crikey, this is about people actually dying, not mentally ill or physically disabled, iv watched family die of cancer many times sadly, and it was not nice for them or the family to watch, they did not want to linger, this is about the last six months of ones life, i want the choice.


interesting is always the response of someone with little to add. As for slumber is it permissible for me to do so? Or can you assist?😇

Yes, of course.

Who are you?

TTT "you do have the right, OD, jump off of something etc."

I thought you were only pretending to be an idiot but it seems it was, after all, just a pretence.

and as I said elsewhere if you are rich enough to to use Dignitas we currently have one law for the rich and another for the poor...

Dear friend of mine has Huntingtons and knows just how it will end. She watched her sister go through this, unable to walk, talk, eat etc and in a wheelchair with 24/7 care. My friend certainly doesn't want to go through this and would welcome assisted dying.  If it wasn't for her grandchildren she would have travelled abroad for this. 

This is a very dangerous move. What most folk seem unaware of is that we've had it in this counrty in the past with the LCP (Liverpool Care Pathway). I have personal experience of this and I now believe it could have been mis-applied. Not by the relatives, but by the Ward Management seeking to reduce bed-blocking.  

I'm pleased.  We wouldn't allow an animal to suffer a lingering and painful death - and yet fail to offer the same compassion to human beings.

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