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Another Belter From The Religion Of Peace....

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ToraToraTora | 22:27 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | News
24 Answers

So only women can do medical stuff on women, right?

But women are not allowed to train as any sort of medical operative, right oh!

Why are Muslims so terrified of women?



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It looks as though Muslims are determined to keep women severely under the thumb.

Ask our ancestors, they had a similar attitude

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Interesting that canary is a fan.

Heartbreaking, utterly heartbreaking.

Why isn't the rest of the world up in arms about this?

Women will die. Women will die of trivial things. I wonder at what number of women remaining these barbaric men will realise that they have been stupid beyond all measure and compromised the survival of their own country?

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JTH "Why isn't the rest of the world up in arms about this?" - Because the world is at best in denial and at worse complicent with Islam. We are being Islamified under our very noses yet any sort of reaction is condemed as islamophic etc by the wokerati. All the politicians and officials are absolutely terrified of doing anything that may offend Islam lest they be labelled. The west will wake up eventually when they start stoning our daughters for the crime being raped but by then it will be a much bigger problem than it would otherwise be.

I'm typing - and deleting, typing and deleting.  Words are not enough.  But this I won't delete.  Canary, shame on you.

//I'm typing - and deleting, typing and deleting.  Words are not enough.//

Me too. One runs out of ways to condemn this kind of evil.

We spent years and years in Afghanistan. Literally weeks later it was back to 'normal'. Perhaps sometimes you just have to give up.

women girls baby girls will die, maybe the men will turn homosexual when there are hardly any women left, how many will die in childbirth or both, this backward cult have no foresight, what if the taliban fighters wives become ill or die, will they say it the will of allah or blame the leaders, i hope its the latter.

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Where aren't there any demonstratorsmarching in London against all this depravity against women? Perhaps they haven't got time, too busy supporting Hamas who enjoy kidnapping and raping women and girls. Rather ironic.

One woman dies every hour due to childbirth complications in that backward hell hole.

Yet it seems our beloved government still give them millions in aid.

And the rest of the world just sits by - but what can/should the rest of the world do?

This is what happens when a job is left half done.

I didn't used to be religious but it seems there IS a hell on earth. Damn savages....

How can they allow their mother/wives/sisters/daughters to be treated so abominably for the sake of some evil twisted dogma.

Quite clearly those women are just seen as a means of producing off spring, raising them and looking after the domestic side of things. In the eyes of the Taliban, women have no other use and are not capable of anything else. How do you change that mindset?

//maybe the men will turn homosexual//

Well that'll be them off the neares roof then.

Awful religion and sadly taking a hold here (The West) thanks to decades of useless politicians.  For the UK, Blair of course welcomed them and started it (to rub the rights noses in it).

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Apart from canary the silence is deafening from the usual apologists for Islam.

And that is part of the problem, they wont engage in proper debate.  As usual with that sort it their way or the highway.

I genuinley fear for our grandchildren.

Have discussed with their parents about moving, but where can you go - apart from Hungary, China or Russia maybe?

Saw this news elsewhere a while ago. Makes no sense whatsoever, but what do you expect from such religious nutters ?


Shows Afghanistanians needed to stop the Taliban re-invading their nation. Also shows the American pull out made a mockery of all that was done to clear the Taliban out in the first place. Win a war, then let it reset; how do the authorities cope knowing how families who lost members sorting the mess must feel about it ?

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