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maggiebee | 14:49 Wed 08th Jan 2025 | News
30 Answers

Scotland’s economy gets a massive boost with £800m investment in battery storage by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

Two 500MW Battery Energy Storage facilities will be based in Scotland— becoming Europe’s largest facilities.



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Woopie-doo,maggie.We are still waiting for two ferries to be completed.These ferries are years over-due,hundreds of millions of pounds over-budget.(in what used to be the ship-building capital of the world).Miffy goes yawn.

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Miffy - you really hate Scotland don't you.  Why don't you emigrate - anywhere!

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Scottidh tax revenues now stand at £73.8billion - a massive amount for a country with only 5.5 million people.


New Zealand's tax revenue for last year was £66.9billion and they have a similar population size.


So, Scotland generates a whopping £7,000,000,000 more than New Zealand but the English want you still to believe that we're too poor for independence!

Aye,dream on maggie.By the way i love Scotland,thats why i hate the nationalist,seperatist Anglophobics in the SNP.Miffy still goes yawn.Last year the SNP said they were going against the Labour Party in Westminster and be paying out the WFA,my partner still waiting.Yawn.

In the meantime, Connect Modular have called in the administrators and Aviva (?) Insurance look as if they'll be shedding jobs too.

All is not well in the land of Heather and shortbread.

A lot of the private companies up here in Scotland are already running on empty alba.God knows what the coming year is going to bring.My job is hanging by a thread.God knows.

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Right ho Miffy, but you hate Scotland getting a massive £800m boost?  Methinks the lady speaks with forked tongue.  

Yes,maggie,but we have heard these promises a million times before,a million times before.Where about do you work maggie?Is it a private company or a public company?

You were singing the delights of the free medication you get a couple of hours ago, maggiebee.  Paying for all of that and more would knock a sizeable hole in your much lauded figure.

Don't forget free university places ^

As long as the English tax-payers are paying for maggies freebies,naomi,why should she give a damn.


\\Woopie-doo,maggie.We are still waiting for two ferries to be completed.These ferries are years over-due,hundreds of millions of pounds over-budget.(in what used to be the ship-building capital of the world).Miffy goes yawn//

Ferries you say...

Miffy despairs.Is maggie the last Scottish nationalist left on this site.Never see Steg anymore.THECORBYLOON pretends to be a Scottish nationalist,but isnt.Strange days.

£800 million, not much really is it.

And I'm sure certain ex members of the SNP would soon witter their way through it.

Camper van anyone?

Dont forget the quarter of a million villa out in Portugal,YMB.No wonder us decent Scots despise the nationalists in the SNP.

Yes, sadly the UK as a whole is becoming the cess pit many came here from, and many came to get away from of course.

Not surprising I suppose.

"So, Scotland generates a whopping £7,000,000,000 more than New Zealand"

You're talking of tax revenues, not wealth generation.

All your above statement shows (assuming the populations are about the same, which I think they are) is that Scottish people are more heavily taxed than New Zealanders. Each of the two countries has a similar GDP and a similar per capita GDP so it means New Zealanders are keeping more of the money they earn. 

By your reasoning, if the Scots had all their income confiscated by the government in the form of tax they would be even more successful. 

On a broader note, the Scottish economy has not fared too well in the last decade. From the government’s own figures:

“Compared with 10 years ago, the Scottish economy has grown more slowly than the UK overall. GDP in Scotland is 8.4% larger in Q2 2024 compared with Q2 2014, whereas UK GDP is 14.3% larger.”

I assume the freedom your headline refers to is that of independence from your better performing neighbour.


As an Englishman - yes please.

If Scotland is as successful as MaggieB pretends, will she be happy if the English stop the barrow loads of English tax payer cash going up the A1 everyday to subsidise them?

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