Why is criticising the policies of a nation a disgrace? Isn't that what democracy and freedom of expression is all about?
It isn't just Moslems who are concerned about the foreign policy of Britain. A million people marched against the war in Iraq and they were from all sections of our society and we were all ignored by Tony Blair's government. It's only totalitarian regimes including the Nazis, the Taliban, the military junta of Burma, the Saudi princes and the old Soviet systems that oppose freedom of expression and dissention. I'm all for people voicing their opinions.
Other cultures that have settled in Britain, like the Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Chinese and others have all maintained their traditional beliefs, but have more easily accepted than the Moslem community that change is a two way street.
We do need to show a greater understanding of Moslem fears in the Middle East, but they too need to accept that many of the problems in the Moslem community of Britain are not the fault of the Brits or the west, but more the breakdown in relations between generations within the Moslem community and the inability of moderate Moslem leaders to effectively challenge the violent rhetoric of the extremists.
As for maintaining our cultural identity and heritage, what exactly does that mean? If you mean dreams of Empire and saluting the flag, well even the Scots, Welsh and Irish have problems with that. If you mean the right to freely express your opinion, the right to publish material that some may find offensive and the right of all women to be considered equal and heard in equal measure, then I'm with you.