On the debit side of unlimited immigration, we have to look at the demise of the N.H.S. How many of us can no longer get free dental care, free spectacles, or get our own doctor to pay out of hours visits? All these we got when the N.H.S. was launched back in 1948, this was when the population wasn�t anywhere the numbers it is now, and the influx of Immigrants had not begun.
We also have a shortage of affordable housing, inadequate education for our own children, a drug problem along with increased crime figures, and we are told a serious shortage of water in some areas of the country. Many more examples could be added to the debit side of un-limited immigration.
Make no mistake, un-limited immigration does no one any good, except of course the immigrants who are here primarily to better their and their families lifestyle, (and who can blame them) the industrialists/ big business who want to cash in on a source unlimited cheap labour, and of course the politicians who vie for their vote. Strange isn�t it that their isn�t much of a problem with immigrants, in the leafy glades where they live.
But in some ways one of the more positive sides of immigration, is the excellent Doctors, Nurses, and Dentists etc etc. that have come to work in this country. But it can be said that there is also a negative side to them coming here, and that is these professionals are being drawn from their own countries where they are also badly needed. Britain must make immigration work not only for the indigenous population but also it has to work for the country. This can only be achieved by controlling the amount of immigrants/refugees coming into this country, and learning from those other countries that have their immigration under control and don�t seem to have the problems that we have.