Strange isn't it? The only people who can legally be subjected to physical violance in our society (other than in self-defence) are children when hit by their parents. If a hooligan hits you and you hit him back too hard you may be guilty of a criminal offence. But, if you hit your one-year old child that's OK. What a warped world we live in!
You got any kids then David? My apologies if you have but this sounds like the stuff said by someone who has never been sent round the twist by a two year old who has driven you barmy all day...No-one is talking about actual abuse of children here just a smack on the bum......and does anyone else think that the removal of the belt from the schools led to the decline in standards in society today?
Two boys aged 5 and 9, sft42. And yes, I have been driven round the twist by them regularly but I have always been able to deal with it without hitting them. Just after we had the first one I had a "lively" discussion about smacking with a friend who said "You wait until he gets to the terrible twos - then you'll need to smack". But I never did. My kids aren't angels but they know that I mean what I say and they listen. I believe in treating them with love and respect and consistent discipline and it seems to have worked for us.
i think sometimes a smack is necessary like when my 3 year old niece had the habit of running by a road or talk to a stranger , when she knew that everytime she did that she would get a smack (just a tap mind) then she stopped doing it.I'd much rather smack her if she talks to a stranger than have her go off with one! or go under a car.However I think that eveyone is entitlied to discipline there children in the way they see fit.Although i have seen some children out in supermarkets that act like they could do with a good smack.............I hate it when you go to a supermarket or a shop and you have someone with a child that screams like the whole way round people will prob disagree but after an hr of a childs piercing scream I could be quite tempted to smack someone elses child never mind my own.
Einstein, pat yourself on the back for, well done indeed for expending so much thought into that oh so smug self satisfying answer to DavidUK's own thoughts. "A small child does not have the power of rational thought..." so give it a whack, oh sorry, a smack. Before you lecture anyone else in inflicting views on other people, you should maybe look closer to home. Is that name supposed to be ironic by the way?