Sin Bin
Seeing a poster who upsets others gets banned and therefore the whole thread and many members comments subsequently all vanishes too that we have a SinBin where all those upsetting posts get moved to for a few days or a week at least (read only and not reply to reference type of place) before they are deleted? I am new and keep seeing names or references to posts and I don't have a clue at times what you lot are referring to by way of names or posts that I can't see or find as they have been deleted. I'd love to see the actual posts - not to be able to reply - just to read what you lot are all on about. So I suggest that rather than quickly delete a post and the thread, that if after the required number of complaints that the post is moved to the SinBin for a few days and then deleted, rather than being immediately deleted. Gives the rest of the "not so regular members" time to catch up on what the regulars all refer to.