so the playstation 3 has been banned from being used in**dy hell i thought being in prison was supposed to be punishment never mind i suppose the poor inmates will have to make do with their x boxes and nintendo consoles
dont talk like a clown so if i go and murder someone i can look forward to being reformed into being a better person by being allowed luxuries like the latest gadgets which a lot of law abiding people cant afford.prison should be about punishing offenders not pandering to their every whim and providing them with the latest are a typical lilly livered do gooder pippa68.its no wonder the world is in such a state with people like you whimpering about how hard done to offenders are PEOPLE WHO OFFEND ARE LOCKED UP FOR PUNISHMENT.
lol sorry pippa68 its just that my brother in law was murdered a couple of years ago and the 'man' that did it literally got away with murder he only served 12 months and is now free i dont want to go into detail but hopefully you can see why i get a little irate about the subject of prisoners.please allow me to apologise [grovel grovel] lol
Sorry to hear about your brother in law ~ I have no idea what that feeling is like as such, although a family member was murdered by the IRA in 1974 so I know how personal events can 'cloud' judgement, so to speak.
Rest assured I do believe that many prisoners are treated far too well...
The reason these have hit the headline is because the PS3 is on a banned list due to it having potentially a wireless internet link.
Mobile phones, laptops etc are also banned for the same reason.
If you go into a Class A or B prison (more serious crimes) then you will not see any type of games console, tvs in bedrooms or any of the latest gadgets.
You will only see this sort of thing in an 'open' prison - a place which is suitable for either criminals who have not commited hard crimes (eg non payment of council tax) or those who are about to be released (after serving their terms) and therefore need to be integrated back into society.
sorry to hear about your family loss pippa68 and i guess you are right my judgement is rather clouded but my wife was terribly upset about the events that surrounded her brothers death and i guess emotions do run rather high.thank you oneyedvic for the info but i still think criminals are treated with kid gloves.
I'm not advocating any comforts for prisoners, so bear that in mind when you read what I post next, ok?
The fact is, prison punishment is simply a loss of liberty. Removal from society is seen as the punishment. Years ago, the sentnce would have been, say, 10 years and hard labour. Notice the 'and'. These days, you get imprisoned to take you away from society, nothing else. You can argue the rights and wrongs of that, but that's what our laws dictate as punishment.