Is the issue here that this is�.
a) a mosque in London,
b) that it is a very large mosque (40,0000 � 70,000 cc depending who you believe), or
c) that there is a misunderstanding over the potential funding of the project?
Zakat requires that Muslims give a minimum of 2.5 per cent of their income to charitable causes, after their annual income reaches a minimum level. This tax can be given to the mosque through a standing order, or directly to the poor and needy � most often during the holy month of Ramadan.
The Business and Economics Committee of the Muslim Council of Britain estimates that about 90 per cent of the funding for mosques and other religious activities comes from the local community. There is no doubt that any funding shortfall will be breeched either through personal or overseas donations, or via government/public body grants as would any church repairs, or even repairs to places like Buckingham Palace (extra �1m per year) and the recent major cleaning project at St Paul�s (�11m).
So what is it you object to exactly?
Incidentally the project hasn�t got planning permission yet (expected autumn 2007 although the extent of the mosque is likely to be scaled down). Muslims living near the site, in West Ham, have raised more than 3,000 signatures on a petition calling for the project to be halted. They want any new mosque to draw in all strands of Islam � not just one alleged fundamental branch.