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Dope back up to class B....

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Loosehead | 10:13 Thu 19th Jul 2007 | News
78 Answers
So is the the governement admitting it was wrong to downgrade this mind altering Highly addictive, filth? Or is there a more sinister motive?


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Ok you druggies are gong to have to help me out here! WTF is Ketamine?
its a horse tranquiliser.
the change of classification of drug has nothing to do with the end user; firstly because nobody has ever had any consideration of the govts classifications when choosing to user or not use drugs and secondly because the classification is only very loosely based on what is very bad of you and what is less bad for you. instead it will be used to influence sentences courts will be able to hand down for convictions. I suggest that this may well be a backwards step - as our prisons are all full and we are releasing some to imprison others i think it may well be time to consider investigating alternative schemes for punishment in general and definitely consider alternative ways of dealing with drug use.

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I've already solved the prison overcrowding issue! .... 6308.html /article2102084.ece
well Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, seems to be doing alright for herself...
Personnally having known a few friends and family that smoke dope i think its less a health risk more a 'i've become a bit of a lay about, can't be bothered making an effort' risk. I'm sure someone now will reel off a load of high-powered success stories who regularly use hash etc but from my experience the majority of people who do it are wasters and narky b*****ds who waste upwards of 300 quid on the stuff a month.
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Hi All :-)

Please take a look at this..... GS... you're gonna love it lol....

Loosehead, hello. If cannabis was so bad for us why is it used as a pain killer?
lol rev funk, I was referring to enjoying a night smashed on cheap booze as an alternative to a night smashed out on E,

either way you give one vital organ the night off drug=brain alcohol = liver

if E has no effect why do you need to take it? can anyone not have fun without drugs or do they need to take something otherwise the night is not complete??

maybe you need to learn to have fun without the chemistry set
Morphine is also used as a pain killer but I dont think you'd want to be taking that daily. So that ends that argument then at least eh Beryll
Pain killers are only good for you when you are in pain.
so you normally use painkillers to give you a good night out??

Dope & alcohol are usually debated/compared together as they are both drugs used as frequently as each other by many people.

It has been suggested that if alcohol were a relatively new drug it would be classed as A...
either way its the one of the biggest cause of the breakdowns of society, ciggies,alcohol and drugs

when you cant imagine life without them its easy to find ways to justify their safeness. when you dont have the addiction you can see the real picture
V2 the point that alcohol is socially acceptable doesn't alter the fact that it causes more health problems than all of the other drugs put together but the govt will never do anything about it because of what they would lose in duty.

Sending kids up chimneys was socially acceptable in the 1880's but that doesn't mean it was right and none of them died through it.
Cazz I didnt say it had no effect but if I had to choose between say 15 pints of wife beater or a pill I would choose the pill.

I take e on occassion when I DJ as it heightens my peceptions and before you say can't you have a good night without it yes I can but sometimes I choose to take it. Call it unwinding whatever, the same as the millions of people who drink alcohol.
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So is heroin Berylium. Just because It's a pain killer doesn't meant it's good for you. Try taking too many Paracetamol and see what happens. Really you normally demonstrate a modicum of intelligence
LOL. I have more Tramadol and Codeine than ever. I am expected to take these and suffer the side effects of them and then? More prescription drugs to counter the side effects lol......

I will stay with Green thanks. No side effects for me.

My neuro also agrees that cannabis is absolutely fine for me. 'Anecdotal' as he put in the letter to my GP.

Lots of Love.

B. xxx

Of course, I can have Sativex if I want to.

Ketamine (also known as Special K) is, as Goosoulette rightly points out, a horse tranquilizer.

It's crushed up and snorted in the same way that coke is snorted (but in smaller quantities).

For the past ten years or so, it has been popular amongst clubbers, especially in gay clubs.
It induces an intense high, known as a 'K hole'.

And no - I'm not a druggy...I just like to know what's going on around me so I can tell if the person chatting me up is actually seeing me...and not an eight foot tall, purple cucumber....
You may ask how anyone discovered the narcotic effects of horse tranquilizers...apparently it was first intoduced to clubbers by Red Rum, when his career was on the slide, and he started going out to the bars in Soho*

(*I made that up).
K Hole? Really?

I find the red rum thing slightly easier to swallow!

Could they not have come up with a better name for the high other than K Hole?!

(Sorry Loosehead, off subject there. Just never heard that expression)

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