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Dope back up to class B....

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Loosehead | 09:13 Thu 19th Jul 2007 | News
78 Answers
So is the the governement admitting it was wrong to downgrade this mind altering Highly addictive, filth? Or is there a more sinister motive?


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because of your you win the competion comment. It was rude, there is a way to say what you just have above. We are just trying to say it isnt filth and using alcohol to prove that it a way. But ok my opinion is it shoudl be made legal, that way I dont think many people would smoke it. it would become a thing of the past like snuff :-)
Skunk and pot are two different things.

Skunk is stronger and gives the effect of 'rushing' much like E or speed.

Pot tends to have the effect of making you sleepy, hungry and giggley. Not necessarily in that order.

If you don't want alcohol in this discussion then best leave skunk out too as it is a different substance to pot.

Just trying to help.
but the 20 year old may also have been a heavy tea drinker. Can it not be a fact that this person was mentally unstable in first place. Look at Myra Hindly, Ian Huntley are you saying that if they smoked pot then that would be to blame.
Incidentally, I think there are other reasons why decriminalising cannabis is a bad idea.

But it makes me laugh when people base their decision on how bad it is for you, or how much it affects your behaviour. Because if you put it up against alcohol, booze is the more harmful on almost every criterion you could possibly think of.

But then people have to get their heads round the idea that they drink alcohol, and so does their mum, and you can buy it in pubs, and the vicar serves mulled wine at christmas, and it's been drunk for centuries and and and....
Don't tell people they can die from using drugs, it's a lie. Try explaining that to the relatives and friends of the 2500 +people who die from the use of illegal drugs each year in Britain and increasing.
I don't see that the arguement that the use of a legal drug i.e alcohol can cause violence is a basis for legalising other drugs that may do the same. I'm sure had alcohol been a modern discovery it would probably listed as a class a drug.
There is no such thing as recreational drugs or hard and soft drugs. There is only the misuse of dangerous drugs.
Can you give us the statistics? Regarding light use, heavy use and mental illness! How many people who have smoked pot, have had a mental illness, was there anything else that could have caused it. These events are rare. i would imagine more people die filling up their iron than get stabbed by a knife weilding pot head. Thats 32 people a year apparently.

I once ate a burger and it made me sick. Should I stop eating burgers because they make me sick?
I can honestly say in all the time I have smoked skunk I have never felt like I have been on E, ever.
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Well 4getmenot, I suppose I'd have to accept what the medics said. I suppose he could have been ODing on Lapsang but I think on the balance of probabilities the dope seems more likely. Obviously we can't say for certain and I accept your point he may have done it anyway.
It is a lie. You can end up dead or insane but more than likely you wont. one million people use E at weekends.
no I wouldnt have thought skunk does that either. But dont quote me on that as I know different regions of england class skunk as a different thing. and good soul I'd lay off the burgers for a while. lol
I take E quite regularly, one maybe two tablets, drink my diet coke have a good night behave myself and go home.

Or shall I go out have ten pints of stella, get in a fight, assault a copper and spend the night in the cells??
thanks loose. even when people have murdered and been drunk and said oh I cant remember a thing. I dont take that as an excuse either, there is already something evil regardless of cannabis or alcohol in them already.
you're not allowed to say that in here reverand!!

Alcohol isnt addictive, doesnt cause mental illness and certainly is never associated with violence.
So what, it doesnt matter what 'class' it is C,B A whatever.

People will still buy it, still smoke and this includes people with MS who use it as a pain relief and everyday people who use it as an relaxant.

As for a mind altering highly addictive filth well thats just a laughable comment to say! did make me chuckle!!!

Why is it that the same people who tend to rage about the need to crack down on drugs are so often the same ones who moan about the "nanny state".? .stm#drugs

Reading more of this thread and the above link someone posted, looking at the chart is seems that LSD and cannabis are in the same 'harmful' factor
Now that is laughable.

But do you notice where alcohol is, it is higher up than Ketamin!
yer but katamine is on ame level as pot. Thats more laughable
why not rev funk, give your brain a rest and work on liver damage instead
ketamine is taken more and more recreationally these days.
it had become as "normal" as taking E OR smoking a spliff.
sad but true. 2 different things..yes but they are taken together.
Cazz so one ecstacy tablet would put more harm on my liver than 15 pints would it?

I don't know the medical evidence but am sure that they is no rock solid evidence on the harmful effects of ecstacy. If anyone would like to prove me wrong please do so.

I know people have died from taking E but far far more die from alcohol abuse. Alcohol cause more misery and suffering than any other drug buit we could criminalise it because of all the duty the govt make from it.

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