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Separate prisons for terrorists?

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NikkiB | 16:34 Sat 28th Jul 2007 | News
42 Answers
Should Islamic terrorists be imprisoned in their own special jail? On the plus side, their religious needs can be catered for and they will be safe from attack by prisoners who don't share their beliefs. It will also stop them, as has been happening in Belmarsh, from picking on and trying to recruit other ethnic minorities to their cause.
On the down side, why the special treatment? If a particular prisoner feels vulnerable he can be segregated anyway. And should their own particular warped beliefs be catered for if it led to their crimes in the first place?


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Neilzulu1 just to let you know I have reported you .for yir gaol comment.

"Well send them ****#ng back to their backward in bred countries and let our benefits, hospitals and houses be just for uk people, not these terrorist growing animals."

Do you not think there are UK Muslims born and bred in this country, who go out to work, pay taxes and National Insurance?

Thanks for reporting me. Now run along little you little grass. Its people like you that are happy to see our once great country bled dry by immigrants. Its just a pity that gullible fools like you are allowed to post on here, you always seem to find an excuse for the terrorists etc etc.


You're using the language of the terrorist.

Seriously - re-read what you posted, and imagine it coming from a young Muslim man who's seen his country (let's say Afgahanistan) decimated by US foreign policy.

I want you to think long and hard about how you would feel if you'd seen your sister and father killed by a US peace keeping patrol.

No matter how angry you think you are, you don't know what true fury is.

Would you ever blow yourself up for a cause?


That flapping sound you hear is our chickens coming home to roost.

We started the fire and now we're in trouble because we have nothing with which to put it out.
Neilzulu 1. What ever uncertainty and change that may occur, there is always the knowledge that we can rely on you to be constant, obdurate and un-reflexive and quite often rude as well.
Hmmm, instead of building all these prisons for all these religious fanatics, why cant they spend the money on blowing up the moon.
Its better to get to the root cause of things than to adapt to them...
sorry neilzulu i kind of read your comment a bit differently (as in you wanted to burn all muslims).

however i still think burning them all isn't a great idea. and are they not retaliating to our country who went in there first and starting killing them?

An eye for an eye will leave the world blind.
Lets all sit back and wait to be blown up by the next sleeper cell that decides to blow us up. No doubt they will be British muslims, but hey lets not dare say anything about them. We can not let anyone dare disrupt the gradual take over of our country.

Lets start a national fund to build more mosques, then they can preach their hatred more. It should make it easier for them to make some more bombers.

When will all you do gooders start waking up!! If they do not want to live by the ways of our country.....send them all back.
wooo12 , they were attacking and killing people in the west way way before we went into iraq.
I think its very naive of someone to think that all the terrorist activity that is going on in the world is due to England and USA going into Iraq.
These islamic terrorists are a breed that must be dealt with firmly . What they need to be shown is that we will not tolerate their behaviour, whether it be preaching or intention...
Nice one, Neil.

Let's give them a reason to blow us all up.
Let's do their propaganda for them.
Let's take a needlessly hard line on all immigrants, not just those who are guilty.
Let's make Britain the pariah of the world and paint us a the heir to the Nazis.
Let's kick out all foreigners and see British business and British industry wither and die.
:et's deprive ourselves of potentially brilliant and dedicated workers, artists, thinkers, sportsmen and citizens and see how well we cope when we're populated only by brainless xenophobic meathead knuckle-draggers.

Can't wait, Neil. How do I vote for you?
Simple really, go and fuc# off will do the trick. You and your lot seem to make loads of excuses for immigrants. Give me one reason why we should put up with the anti british slogans at rallies? The hatred preached at the mosques? The continuous slagging off of our country?

Send them back, then they can really see how bad it was in the U.K.
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Neilzulu - I remain concerned about the growth of Islam in this country (because two parallel cultures can't exist anywhere. It leads to civil war and social unrest) and I will happily cross swords with any of those who profess no love or appreciation of Britain or of democracy.
But something I've learned in the past few years, particularly via debate on the internet, is that there are an awful lot of non radical muslims around. Sometimes I've been horrified by what I've heard some Muslims spew, sometimes surprised and optimistic. I believe that most muslims are ordinary, unthreatening people and they too are pushed and pulled by the fundamentalists in their community. What's the answer? If I knew I'd no doubt be nominated for a Nobel peace prize.
Neilzulu1 you wrote (addressed to me) "you always seem to find an excuse for the terrorists etc etc" post a link showing one comment I have made in support of terrorists.

Have you contributed money toward the construction of a church recently, do you know of plans to build any?
I was posting in response to several people on this thread who seem to always make an excuse for terrorists. Not just you corby, this is a post and respond site, i am not posting anything to insult you personally.

We all have our views, you have seen mine. I am one of the minority in this country who are sick of everything that is British being stripped bit by bit by immigrants.

Why should they be treated different to the masses? Once again i ask, if they do not like it here, should we not send them back ?
You wrote "Its people like you that are happy to see our once great country bled dry by immigrants. Its just a pity that gullible fools like you are allowed to post on here, you always seem to find an excuse for the terrorists etc etc. "

You included me in the final remark so you agree that was incorrect?

You also wrote "I am one of the minority in this country who are sick of everything that is British being stripped bit by bit by immigrants.

Why should they be treated different to the masses? Once again i ask, if they do not like it here, should we not send them back ? "

You say you are in a minority so let us hope it remains a minority view.
And lets hope you get your head out of your arse!!
You've lost the argument already.
There is and was no arguement you prat. Quick, go and read some posts . You should be able to report a few more people, you groveling wan#er.
neilzulu, you seem eager to be both an oppressed minority and part of the great masses. You can't be both.
No , sadly i am in the minority. As anyone who dares state anything regarding immigrants on AB seems to be attacked by the hippy police.
View on this topic from a muslim:

There should defiently not be seperate treatment or prisons for terriorists. They should also not be execuited. Killing them would make them happy, as they believe they would be martyrs. It would do far much more damage to them to be humilate and allowed life.

On the topic of religion:
A person who has been drawn into radicalist islam cannot be rehabilitated. In this case prison should be a punishment rather then a correctional facility. I have no oppinion on other religions as terrorists as the majority of terrorists in the UK are muslim.

I would go as far far to say that all terrorists (not religious specific) should be denied all of their human rights and treated like animals.

For non-terrorists and non-murderers (they are the same IMO), they should be alowed religious expression, and the right to see a chaplin, imam, rabi... as long as it doesn't retard the correctional process or cause disruption. I don't believe in seperate facilities for any criminals. If you are a theif or a murderer, then be locked up with the theives and the murderers. A terrorist is a murderer.

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