from someone claiming they had a serious skin problem and so therefore could I sign up to some online porn as they get a percentage, which will fund the cure to their condition. What ridiculous scams/pleas have you been subjected to via email?
I am very fortunate indeed - my work e-mail is at the end of a spyware system so rigid that no viruses or spams have been able to penetrate. At home, I have yet to receive a single spam e-mail, in spite of being on line for three years. I don;t know how I've escaped, i surf like a demon, but send very little personal mail, so I am happy to report that I am 'scam-free'.
I get a lot of msgs on p***s enlargement (why I wonder as I am a woman) and also a lot of msgs on buying drugs from the States which I think is tragic because there are bound to be people who make a bad use of illegal drugs obtained this way.