i was brought up in a house where we had a coal fire and with parents and older siblings who smoked. I don't deny anyones right to smoke if they want to, but i will defend my right not to be affected by it. If i wanted to kill myself by eating chocolate bars, as long as I put the wrappers in the bin where they belong, I am not causing any harm to passers by. That is the difference. Incidently, we also used to send kids up chimneys and do all sorts of other things that we have now decided aren't very good ideas any more.
daggers, you are right, I never really go into town any more though I was brought up in the city - I probably haven't been out and about much since the smoking ban was in. I still think that it is better than people smoking in pubs - not that I am in them very often - i think it is a small price to pay - if only they were not such a messy lot.