I don't think it's the working class that's the problem, if we take a look at Birkenhead on the Wirral, we can see that the majority are on benefeits, and do not wish to work, as that would mean having to actually move. This isn't all people, granted. But a vast amount. Who do not wish to change, they contribute little to society, and if anything, make it worse. Overcrowed prams, consisting of 'the future' of this country, the classic dirty bib, and a constant supply of undiluted ribena in the baby's mouth, fags hanging out the corner of the mothers mouth, which always seems to be immediately replaced after the last one has been finished. We wonder waht makes them like this, a bad upbringing, the crap that's on TV, a bad education service? But then we fail to recognise that there are now more services than ever for adults to get an education and better themselves, this just doesn't seem to be working, as again, there is no motivation, therefore no change, whist the rest of us are earning a decent living, getting on with our own lives. and still coming up short, still not earning as much as these slobs. When can the active working class get a break?