as a single mother for a very long time,i am quite knowledgable about this subject,
Its not that easy to be able to be quite honest with you ,any person who is a single parent and worth there weight would work, but unfortunately for some it does nt quite work like that.
I was never given a house, i never had maintanace, if i had got the money my son deserved it might have been viable for me to work.
some people think that living on �100 a week is a synch, well let me tell you its not.
i would have to earn over �18500 a year just to break even, that would mean me having to work probably in the region of 50 -60 hours a week, never seeing my son, having to fork out for a child minder.
when i was working i found myself getting further in debt because i was not getting the right help........
i dont know the solution , all i know is that working is a luxury that i cant there!!! rant over