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gold digger mccartney

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saintpeter48 | 19:25 Wed 31st Oct 2007 | News
18 Answers
crocodile tears on tv, what a laugh. she courted the press when she needed them now she's pleading hard done by. p**s off to some island somewhere and stay there, paul mccartney stayed with one woman for 30 odd years, never apart, raised 4 lovely kids and this gold digging man eater comes along and tries to shatter our opinion of him. she deserves all the negative press that they can throw at her, rot u whinger!


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What a wench!

Using the media to try and manipulate us.

The very idea.
For gods sake- she was clever enough to bag herself a bloke who could have said no if was thinking with his head instead of his danglies like most of them do!
I have to say she has a point (regarding being treated worse than a murderer), but she really does herself no favours by seeming so unhinged. No tears actually coming out when she was "crying" i notice!
She said on radio 1 tonight that she hasnt courted the press for 15 years in relation to anything other than charity work - what a load of ********, i remember an article not long ago when she was moaning that her husbandwas being cruel to her because he wouldn't let her have a bedpan in the bedroom for over night ....
too flipping right i say, why would any self respecting person WANT a bedpan overnight anyway, just get your crutches and hop to your palatial en suite you silly bint!
Well she's not as good at it as Diana was but give her time, she just needs a bit more practice is all.
Why was she trying to sound (and look) like Donald Duck. Despicable person.
Why all this hatred for Heather?

He chose to marry her. No one forced him.
Was just about to ask that myself Petal~flower! I'm quite bemused as to why the public seem to hate her so much..quite frankly I've always though that Sir Paul was too sweet to be wholesome and comes across as a real bore!
She's right - the press are scumbags, and the press are right - she's a manipulative gold-digging fantasist. Enough said.
McCartney deserves all he gets ...
remember the frog chorus
Paul Mccartney is another celebrity we dare not criticise!!Hes not a god .,hes human.He went down in my estimation, a few years ago when he wanted to change the songwriting credits from Lennon/mccartney to mccartney/ Lennon. Whats all that about.He also still smokes weed, alledgedly,would you want your children raised by some pothead?
Can't stand the woman, or her wonky false smile!
Saint peter -Wow Such Hatred-I bet you're a christian.
Pauloss66, are you a smackhead as well?
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brionon, you fool, what on earth draws you to that presumption of me, i'm not a christian, far, far from it, i dont believe in god, i just believe in me, yoko and me, thats reality!!! she's an evil woman, why is she still trying to court the press and public, no dignity wotsoever!!!!!!
as well as what?
Sorry sambro, just re-read your post and no I am not a smackhead like yourself
There may be special groups out there to help you looking for people with similar problems, perhaps you should post a question about it - it may well be addling your brain

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