although the EU is an economic union of sorts, its main rationale was poliltical: it was to tie the French and German economies together so closely that they would never be able to go to war again (they'd fought the Franco-Prussian war as well as two world wars, and had devastated the whole continent in the process). This has worked. The point of further expansion by the EU is much the same: once places like Serbia become part of modern Europe they can never again be exotic little countries going to war with their neighbours. But it will take a long time and a good deal of patience - and money - from the bigger and richer coutnries to the west. The bureaucracy partly arises out of the numerous different languages spoken, a problem the USA doesn't have. It would make sense for the EU to adopt English as its language in the same way, but as Britain itself keeps muttering about leaving the union altogether, this won't happen. Nonetheless, by lowering commercial barriers and imposing similar trading standards, including straight bananas of course, the EU is on its way to becoming a formidable trading bloc. Britain would be wise to join in and make the most of it.