I brought this up last week:
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question47 5779.html
Unfortunately we in England are the most tolerant and easy going people (or maybe just lazy).
Even though almost eveyone you talk to has had enough of immigration, and thinks there has been far too much, we never actually get off our backsides and protest about it.
The only thing that has prompted the Italians to do something is the increasing crime rate over there which really has got out of hand.
And because we have voted in Labour for the last two terms it is a sort of tacit support for their open door policy.
If a party stood that was purely an anti-immigration party, and they began to get lots of votes, then the main parties would start to do something about it.
But there is not such a party (unles you count BNP which many people refuse to vote for) and the electorate are not crying out for one, so Labour will continue their open door policy as they feel the public support it as they continue to vote for them.
I really thought the British would start to rise up after the tube bombings a couple of years ago, but we just went "tut tut" and carried on with our lives.
By the time we do come to our senses it will be too late.