Regarding the cctv at the station, if I rember rightly, all of the cameras mysteriously ether had no film in, or was not working at that time.
Found this, I don't know, but if true ??
Jean Charles was not traveling on a forged visa � he was in the country legally, having returned shortly before from Brazil and having been stamped in at that time (6 month UK tourist visa is standard for Brazilians as for Americans, unless they are rejected at the port of entry, which he obviously wasn�t). As one of the more disgraceful pieces of disinformation in this case, the Home Office stated artfully and completely irrelevantly that there was a visa stamp in his passport that �was not being used� at the time. They most emphatically did not say that it was forged (it may have been a Home Office error), much less that he was in the country illegally (since he had just returned and been allowed in, he obviously wasn�t � even Jack Straw later admitted that he was in the country legally). Nor did he flee from the police or act suspiciously, or rape somebody in Britain several years before he was ever in the UK, etc. etc. The Police campaign of disinformation here only adds to the outrage.