The problem is SP, it's the old paradoxcal thinking thing again. WW2 could have been stopped in the early 30's but appeasers and pacifists didn't act and prevented the ever fickle politicians acting. Finally when it gets to the stage when even the pacifist sees the need to fight, the fight is much much bigger than it otherwise would be. Paradoxically pacifists are one cause of conflict. In the same way, how far must we progress towards Sharia law before people like yourself wake up and realise what's happenning? So to answer your question, no I don't think Sharia law will ever be a reality in Britain, I was being flippant, but I do think we'll get near it and it will take a gargantuan effort to reverse. I just want to nip it in the bud like we should have done in the early 1930's. Remember Fiji?