What a farce !!! It should be as plain as the nose on your face that the greed of the human race is going to destroy this planet. Listen to the politics while the Antarctic melts and there are more and more cataclysmic environmental happenings, and all of Bangladesh pours into Britain. What right has anyone to insist that China stop pouring smoke from power stations ?
Greed, it is as simple as that. God bless (and house) us all !!
Next time you go shopping, look at EVERYTHING you buy and see how much says Made in China - and did you buy it to save a mere 50p ?
(For the record, I buy Made in England because our CO2 is home-grown and therefore safer)
I've been visiting this site for 3 years now, the weather is changing dramatically every single year. In about 2 weeks the chicks will hatch and are an absolute joy to watch as they grow. I only hope that i can continue watching them for years to come and their habitat doesn't change too quickly that they can't adapt.