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Childhood book

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feebee102 | 22:11 Tue 19th Feb 2008 | Books & Authors
4 Answers
Please please can someone help me.I know it is a shot in the dark but here goes.

When I was about 10 or 12 (I'm now 46) I read a book about the lives of a family of children set in about the 40's/60's.
I am sure it had the words "The Kids" or "The Children" in the title and possibly the address of where they lived.
The names where Violet,Rose(she was a baby),Lily,and I think there was a William,and a set of boy twins,and a couple of others.
I know it was NOT the "Darling buds of May".
If anyone can help me remember the name of the series of books I would be so greatful as I so want my kids to read them.


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was it Just William ?
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No wasn't that one.Thanks for suggesting it anyway.
The kids where all part of one family.The books had lovely character drawing in them.The William in it was a little baby who the eldest girl nicknamed Sweet William.
There was also a toddler called Peggy.
It could be The Family from One End Street ne_End_Street
Question Author
You are an angel.
Thank you so much.You don't know how much this means to me.I can now sleep at night
Hopefully I can get a copy for my kids.


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