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The good old days?

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anotheoldgit | 17:59 Wed 05th Mar 2008 | News
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Please wait a moment. I'll answer your question as soon as the 'little woman' has brought my pipe and slippers ;-)
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I have always been a good obedient woman. I cook and clean and look after the house and do all the things that a good woman should do.

Sadly I live on my own.
The rot set in when they were given the vote !!!!
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That kind of life was all very well if the husband was a caring, kind, loving man...I'm sure those roles could work well in my household because of the type of man my husband is. (although our life is not like that in any way)
However, the 50's housewife had no income of her own and no opportunity to escape from a bullying, abusive, mean and unkind husband. Once a woman was married, she was basically trapped and at the mercy of the husband. I know from my family history, that life for a woman was pretty awful. Toil all day long and non of the modern conveniences of today; then the husband was down at the pub all night, not involved with the family and returned drunk and leery.
My God, I am so glad to be born today, although in many ways women(with small children and a job) are working harder and harder, as the majority of child care, house and organisation is left to them alone.
I'm pretty sure that guide was a spoof (admittedly not to far from the truth) on the 50's housewife.

Did anyone watch Mad Men on TV? That's a brillinat dramatic\l insight into the chauvanistic male dominated world in the early 60's
Mad Men will be hailed as the best American drama since The Sopranos (iokay...ignoring the brilliant 'Damages' with Glenn Close.

But getting back to the question - I can't remember the 50s, but I've just read Dominic Sandbrook's 'Never Had It So Good'.

Anyone wanting an idea of what life was like in the 50s should give it a read...and no - it's not a lefty diatribe. It's a history book for people who don't like history books.

Oh, and women were well turned out back then...no of your shopping in leggings and a Baby Gap t-shirt.

I'll get me coat.
Peter Hennessy is worth a read as well, for the record.
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Exactly sp1814

We were well turned out in those days, whatever happened? where did this leisure wear come from? If one has more leisure time these days why can't people bother and take the time to dress smartly?

When one sees these chavs walking down the street in their track suit bottoms, and short tops showing all their stretch marks and the rear end of their G string. Pushing the obligatory plastic bag hanger (push chair). One has to ask have mirrors gone out of date?

Oh dear, oh dear, oh for those halcyon days of the fiftyies, when one could see the smartly dressed females dressed in their summer dresses with numourous under- skirts to make the dress stand out and sway, pushing their pride and joy who was tucked up in a gleaming coach built pram.

But smartness wasn't only a female thing, the male of the species could also cut a dashing figure, in his 3 piece suit shirt tie and trilby or cap. He would also go to the match dressed in this way, even if there were no females there.

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