Hey Icey - I wasn't having a go!
Forces Housing is similar to council in that we get what we're given and we pay rent, but we don't have the option to buy, and are given a stright 'Marching Out' (seriously strict, after my Mam & I scrubbed a house clean, we got charged �10 each of 3 teeny tiny spots of grease on the coooker! Shocking!) However, the years of living in a forces house, accumulate discount to buying a council house, if you're on a list. My rents had been on a council list since they were married in 81, and when push came to shove it was a massive fight to get a house and we weren't fussy, any one would have done, but basically we were homeless, so got one, luckily in our first choice area. I think it's pretty fair that my Dad got a discount after being in the RAF all those years.
That said, I do see the problem in their being no houses available now. But the prices may be ridiculous, but wages and the cost of living go up. I know for a fact, that when my brother and I need to buy a place of our own it'll be verging on impossible, but, I guess everyone is in the same place. I guess I just live life as it takes me, don't worry about things until I need to! I'm celebrting my 5th 21st this year by the way ;o)