Too much of a simplification chaps.
Its only the married quarters' housing that was subject to the contract with Annington Homes under the sell and leaseback arrangement. The idea was that requirement for such housing would decline, so the leaseback would gradually reduce. With drawdown from Germany bringing Army personnel back here (and other reasons) the reduction in need for married quarters hasn't happened as fast.
The questioner is presumably talking about Single Living Accommodation (barracks). An extra �1bn - yes one billion - was allocated in 2001 over 10 years and the programme has delivered hundreds of new accommodation units since then. So very many of the units are in far better shape than they were - it was (and still is) a reason why service personnel were leaving the Forces, so something had to be done. Details here. rv/accommodation/singlelvgaccn/sw_ss_slam_slam _w.html
Of course some smart-ar**d reporter is always going to find the exception that hasn't modernised yet.