Actually, that title is sarcasm
Have a look at this report. The wife of Northern Ireland's First Minister, (Peter "no i wouldn't go see the republic's football team as they have some coloureds in there now" Robinson) (source - Sunday Times, 8-6-08) is Mrs.Iris Roinson. She is a Born-again Christian, and member of the ultra Protestant DUP.
She is quoted as stating during a BBC interview that homosexuality is "disgusting, nauseous, loathsome, shamefully wicked and vile", and offered to put gay people in touch with a psychiatrist who would help make them heterosexual...
Given that she is entitled to her view - for the record, so am i and it's my view that she's a bigoted moron - should she keep the position she holds as the DUP's health spokesperson?
If politics and religious belief can't be separated, should the person concerned hold political office? ays-need-help-to-change-insists-dup-leaders-wi fe-1401325.html