the only loft in the country needing more insulation is the gaping void in his head, mr gordon (I never had a proper job in my life has no answers to anything other than how soon can I pick up my big fat pension and smirk about all those unfortunates that he has robbed of theirs, if there was an atom of justice in this world he would spontaneously combust into a burst of flames in the middle of an election broadcast, 'wont happen because if he got his way there would never be another election anyway, the cretin despises democracy in any form no matter how small, want to smoke a fag indoors, you,d better get a good lawyer, he'll have you bang to rights before you've had chance to stub it out, we all knew that blair was a proven liar out of his own mouth but this duplicitous piece of scum takes the biscuit and just about anything else he can lay his thieving hands on. all those that disagree please gather together on a photocopy of a penny black, but leave room for the ford transit and a couple of artics.