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Good Morning

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bensmum | 07:21 Fri 14th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Friday - yay!!!
Morning to terambulan who did do an early post but put it in the wrong section! Have a lovely day everyone and hope your weekend is good too


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Mornin is all yours.....keep it going as am off back to bed.
Good morning Bensmum and all who drop by.
Have a good weekend.
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Morning terambulan (again) and hau kola - very quiet on here today, is everyone else still in bed? I'm off to work now - see you all later
Morning bensmum , terambulan , and hau kola , I 'm a bit later today :-)
Morning all. Another Friday, another weekend. I'm still snotty but sooo better than last weekend.

Tomorrow I am going to London to see the Queen. Well, I think I'll give the Queen a miss, & instead opt for mooching around Covent Garden, stuffing my face then going to see a show of some sort. The BG is treating me as part of my belated birthday pressie.

I hope it doesn't rain; I hate umbrellas but the rain makes my hair frizz up like Don King's.

Have a good one everybody xxx T

morning bensma and all -snotty sal-haha
Hi guys

Just had an hour pounding the pebbles. It's really miserable out there today. Hope it's a better wherever you are.

I'm off for a shower, to de-sweat myself.

Catch ya later.

Don, I mean salla ... who is the "BG" ?
missprint - BF.
I supose I could have said BG - Big Guy ?!
JJ-she meant to say BJ
Good morning bensmum!!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Got a kids birthday party to go to tomorrow and a autumn fair at th church. Don't think I will be going out on the town this weekend. Will have a rest from that ah ah x
well this post went downhill quite quickly!

morning all :o)

happy Friday. I don't remember feeling this tired before.. roll on lie-in tomorrow!

have a fabby day xx
Hello All - hope everyone has a great Friday - Its nearly yhe weekend - yippee!!
Its a great day out there in Middle England. Not too cold and dry with the leaves falling from the trees here.

Kids are coming back from Uni to visit and strangley enough I have a winter BBQ plannned if its dry on Sunday.

You can't beat a steak from a BBQ!

Hope everyone has a nice day.
hello David Black.. have you introduced yourself??! :o)
Yes, that's a new name....!

Not a "greenie" though.
Should we ask for his CV?!
mornin folks
Poor bloke - we'll frighten him off. I bet he feels hounded like a pack of slavvering wolves!!
Yes I think your right - do you think we are all still invited to the BBQ - yum!!

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