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Faith & Hope conjoined twins...

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smudge | 11:39 Wed 03rd Dec 2008 | News
53 Answers
Have just heard on the news that baby Hope, one of the conjoined twins has died whist being separated at Gt Ormond Street Hospital.

It's so sad, especially after seeing pictures of her & her sister Faith cuddled up together only yesterday.

Bless them.



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There isn't any right or wrong to it really. It's all too personal. I can see what you are saying Rosetta. Personally, I think I would find it easier to decide on an abortion (in early pregnancy) rather than have to think of sacrificing one of the children in order that the other might live.

I know this wasn't the case here, but it often is.
AOG, Thinking about it - I think you meant it well and can see why you are puzzled. But quite honestly, it's the worse thing you can say to any female who has lost a baby or had to have an abortion. At the time, it's the last thing you want to hear because all you want is the baby you have.

It's like losing your spouse and someone saying. Never mind, there is plenty of time to find another one!
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Fair enough AOG - thank you for your kind sentiments on the first bit of your post & I do understand what you mean about her trying for another child later on.

BUT, & a very big but, it did come across, that in this case, a termination for her, wasn't a very big deal because she is only 18.

Me being the 'young' Mum I was & still am!
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Was typng before the last two answers appeared.
Question Author I can understand how mrs_o read it too AOG.
I wouldn't have aborted. I'm not religious, I just wouldn't want to abort.
Crickey that pays me for getting involved in a post full of clucking hens.

Some will find wrong in anything, what am I just another tackless Male in a predominant women's world.

Any difference???????

Crying, sobbing 16 year old girl,

"Dad, my boyfriend has packed me up, it's the end of the world what can I do?"

Answer from her Dad,

"Come here princess give me a hug, it's a pity I knew you felt alot about him, but eh! you are only sixteen there will be other boys".

Any difference?????? or would this have also been un-tackful? If so what would Mum have said?
oh that is so sad!

Sad for the parents and also so sad for little faith who will grow up in the knowledge that birthdays etc ought to have been shared.

I can't imagine the trauma of being told you're expecting co joined twins but....i hope that i woudl have the courage to NOT terminate.

There is always hope (even if just a tiny smidgeon) and hoepfully baby faith grows up strong and healthy...

and if so she may turn out to discover something great - like a cure for hiv.....
Hardly comparable AOG. We are talking about the losing of a life.

Anyway, it may be meant well, but it's not comforting to a 16 year old to be told never mind there will be plenty of other boys. A comforting hug is one thing, but I can assure you that, although well meant, it makes things even more upsetting.

Us Mum's understand!! We know it feels like the end of the world and we hopefully would just give lots of TLC and sympathy. At the time of hurting, none of us ever believe that things can get better.
I see where AOG is coming from.

However I think it would be a very bad precident if decisions like this were made on the basis of NHS expenditure.

The decision of a possible termination should have been made on the basis of the distress to the children that would be born, their predicted chances of survival and expected quality of life for them and their familly.

Balanced of course with the particular ethical views of the family.

If you start on the road of making decisions like this based on cost you end up giving old gits a helpful push off the mortal coil when their medication becomes too expensive.

And we wouldn't want that would we? ;c)
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Oh, come on AOG.

If you've never been pregnant or given birth, it's easy to assume that termination is a relatively easy way out of a problem, however big or small - but it isn't!

As I say, once you see a baby's heart beating away on a monitor...... I can guarantee any woman wouldn't agree to ending it's life at the click of a finger! It must take a great deal of soul searching before making such a life changing decision - unless you are completely heartless!
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Sorry this site is very slow today - thank you to all others posting, will read them now....
good point - jake.

Oh what a shame, it sounded like a pretty straightforward separation, as I know more complex ones have been carried out previously.

Let's hope the surviving twin makes a full recovery soon.
Yes, Lottie you are right and I think I would also have opted for a termination in early pregnancy when I would quess you don't know the full extent of the conjoining. Or is it too late, when does the extent of the conjoining become clearer. I suppose that depends where they are joined, to answer my own question.
Could I have a termination in later pregnancy. I'm not sure.
Just don't think most men understand how we feel about things, Smudge. Some try to be very understanding, but they haven't got that inbuilt maternal instinct - couldn't be expected to have. Not all women have it anyway!

Nothing wrong with clucking hens either AOG , they usually are protecting their brood.
Very very sad, I hope that Faith pulls through and is a happy little girl.
The only way I could ever envisage termination of a late pregnancy is if the child had absolutely no chance of any quality of life. It would be a dreadful decision though.
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Yes jake - this 'young' couple were initially warned that it would not be a good idea for the pregnancy to proceed, due to severe complications.

The father said that he sat up all night searching on the internet for success stories. He & the mother then returned to the hospital, where a different consultant informed them that there was a good chance of the twins being successfully separated.

Unfortunately, the first consultant was in fact right, but let's hope her little sister survives......bless her.
aog, how do you know she can have other children? maybe that was her only chance and even if it wasnt she is just as much entitled to have children, conjoined or otherwise, as anyone else

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