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prince charles

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stokemaveric | 16:55 Tue 13th Jan 2009 | News
47 Answers
now it has emerged that prince charles calls 1 of his asian polo playing friends ''sooty'' you think the royal family are institutionalised racists????


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If you affectionately refer to a kid with Down's Syndrome as 'my little spacca friend', he might like it too.
I think the Royals have come down to earth a lot in recent years. They have had to and I believe want to. Princess Margaret was of a different generation of royals and was known to be a right *** (I starred it myself for fear of getting my head chopped off by royal command)
Quinlad we are talking about adults who know each other very well and are in a private situation. I don't think your comment is at all relevant.
I wonder who first came up with the idea.

"Good morning your Royal Highness, my name's Michale but you can call me Sooty"

Doesn't sound very likely does it?

Frankly it's hugely patronising

Imagine if some African leader were overhead refering to him as whitey or something similar - the tabloids would have a fit!
nick-names are endemic in public schools and those concerned would have similar retorts back though, same people dont want to offend royalty 'cause that would diminish their chances of 'gongs'. Why else do they want to rub shoulders with the 'hoy palloy?'
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right thanks to all you *****,rag heads,scottish haggises,british white honkies and whatever other religious/multi cultural people i have not insulted thank you for your answers...........not nice is it???/ ary-prince-harry-race-issues

This is the Army for goodness sake, crikey the MOD will soon be paying out compansation to the Taliban, if one of our lads is caught calling them 'Rag Heads'.

You have offended me, you have left the English out.
You're missing the point AOG

It's not whether or not the guy was offended.

It's because it shows the sort of thinking that's going on behind those Royal Eyes!

It's probably genetic though and inherited from his grandfather!
My husband used to have a colleague who was as black as soot. Everyone called him Chalkie, & before anyone jumps on that - that is how the man introduced himself to everyone when he joined the company!
How much longer can this total absurdity continue? Anyway, here are a few elements of a solution:

- abolish the Royal Family, replace with a Black or Asian king
- declare that World War II was actually won by BME
- ensure that all candidates from all parties at the next election are BME
- make huge compensation payments for any BME complaint

stokemaveric....we aint going to winge to the ed about your name-calling. U know you're safe 'cause we're bigger than that.
It's one upper class twit calling another a silly nickname , no relevance whatsoever to my life .
Somebody suggested on the radio what if the reply to his comment 'Hello big ears' would be apt or would they be marched to the tower?
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terambulan it was a sattirical attempt to say that name calling is not nice................
The friend had the nickname Sooty for years, Prince Charles didn't create it and if someone introduced this guy to Charles as "this is Sooty", he'd hardly turn around and say, he can't call him that.

Also, how do we know the nickname isn't spelled "Suthi" as in one of the Indian languages?
An earlier poster referred to Charles as the future king of England. This is so annoying for Scots, Welsh and N Irish - he is the future king of United Kingdom!!
I vote this thread -3 stars for the amount of poliical correct bull$h1t that has been spouted. If I had a good English friend who called me a jock b'stard I would consider it as a term of endearment. If an English stranger came up to me and called me the same I would be insulted and probably nut him.

I cant beleive you lot are lapping this media frenzy up, I thought some of you were more intelligent than that.
Is their an issue if the prince called someone 'Tubby' - after all it is a nickname about someones appearance?

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