Kin Muslims, why do we tolerate them? in The AnswerBank: News
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Kin Muslims, why do we tolerate them?

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R1Geezer | 15:47 Fri 13th Mar 2009 | News
9 Answers
A few years ago I was actually feeling sorry for the old Muzzies, you know old Slobadan and co with their ethnic cleansing well I tell you what, we need the kin Serbs now don't we? Kin treacherous J Arthurs, abusing our troops, no doubt living off benefits and rooking the kin system, makes my blood boil, can can feel a final solution is needed here. Scum utter scum.
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A ' final solution'??? Do you even comprehend how offensive that remark is to Jewish people, well actually to anyone sensible?
I find you so utterly repulsive I can barely believe i'm responding to this tripe.
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No offence intended to anyone except Islam and it's evil followers.
Unfortunate choice of words aside.
You have made a rather valid pont, if Milosevic and Karadicz had acted after 9/11 they'd be viewed as heroes.
Historically Serbia was oe of our staunchest, bravest and most loyal allies, it was also the only country to free itself from Ottoman (Turkish) rule.
There is an irony that Robin Cook can resign over Iraq because Iraq posed no threat to national security and that the war did not serve the national interest, and then to complain about the killing of innocent civilians. He was rather more belicose when we were bombing Belgrade to smithereens (commuter trains in particular) where were all these anti-war demonstrators then?
But I disagree with the rest of your musings.
My (Jewish) ex wife and I have a best friend, and guess what he's a Muslim, so that rather knocks all your arguments about Islam and it's evil followers right on the head doesn't it?
Normal Christians , Jews and Muslims all get on well together, it's only the extremist nightmares on all sides there are problems with.
R1, well it makes a change from torturing and killing animals. ALF have got your number. Sicko!!
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dunno WTF SK is on about, or should I say Gourmander, anyway, the fact Nox, you know one who pretends to be friendly does not make the whole lot acceptable.

Sorry, mate, but I'm disappointed in someone like you whom I've seen making sensible comments on other threads.

I think that there is strong feeling in this country, and abroad, against any form of terrorism, which of course doesn't simply include Muslims.

The past week's events in Northern Ireland bear out what I mean. Absolutely nobody in these Isles wants a return to such dark days apart from the fanatical few.

I was also incensed at the behaviour of the so-called "protesters" in Luton when our squaddies were holding a well-earned homecoming march.

However, I'm quite sure that the majority of Muslims are as peace loving as any other section of society in this country. So let's keep things in context, eh?
yes,indeed there have been a lot of atrocoties carried out by muslims...but just as an afterthought what about the irish killing their own? [the policeman gunned down recently].......the radical irish extremists are,in my opinion,as bad as,if not worse than any muslim fanatic,the only diffrence is that you have never seen an ira suicide bomber [well not an intentional one anyway].....they are not that commited to the irish cause......biy still as evil nonetheless......

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