The point I'm making is that if you don't like the B.N.P, then vote against them.
You don't need any new government policies to thwart them specifically just go out and vote for what you believe in.
If it's the B.N.P then so be it.
How many people have been on here to complain about them but did'nt even bother to vote in the Euros?
Can't complain about people who bother to vote, if the consensus of opinion is B.N.P then that's it.
I'm not a supporter of them, but I do feel the outrage is somewhat misplaced, if people can't be a r s e d voting then this is what you get.
Of course I wonder how the reactions would be if a radical Islamist party had put candidates in the Euros, and even won a seat?
All political candidates should have to take a legally binding oath to represent all their constituants without fear or favour regardless of gender, creed or colour.
Failure to live up to such an oath in office would result in their impeachment.
But how could this work? One constituent wants to build a shed in his back yard. His next door neighbour doesn't want it there. How can the MP represent them both?
Dont ya just love jake , BNP won lets change the rules again ?
Plans for Sinn Fein's MPs to be allowed to use facilities at Westminster, in spite of their refusal to sit in the Commons, are to go before Parliament.
The republicans are currently denied access to offices and other privileges because of their refusal to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen.
Jake says, An MP must be able to fairly represent all his constituants.
If he cannot do this he cannot possibly be eligable to stand.
This criteria could possibly be an issue for certain Northern Irish politicians too!
People need to get out and vote, journalists need to give the BNP a forum in which they can demolish their policies effectively, rather than brushing them to one side with the same, tired old cliches and politicians need to get off their arrogant backsides and honestly tackle the issues that worry many people on the streets of Britain; multi culturalism, immigration and globalisation and its impact on the jobs of the British people.
I don't feel an M.P would be inclined to represent the views of a constituent whose views he disagrees with, nor could they be compoelled to.
But I get the gist of what you're saying.
I genuinely feel that the extremists (B.N.P and Jamaal Islamia) are roughly 2 sides of the same coin and very much in the minority within their taget electorate.
If people go out and vote for what they believe in then we'll get the government we deserve, for good or ill.