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85 Sharia "Courts".......

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R1Geezer | 13:27 Mon 29th Jun 2009 | News
92 Answers
So how long before they start ritual beheadings and stonings? should local councils create proper punishment areas, or could ritual floggings become public entertainment? I mean half time at the football could do with livening up! Ok it's the daily Mail, but is the figure wrong? I don't think so! Anyway lefties you have my permission to spit out your organic peace muesli!


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Islam forbids alcohol. Carry on making me look stupid, then check out what Islam is about.

I take it you have never heard of RAKI not only do muslims drink copious amounts of the stuff, they actually make it.

Your ignorance of muslims is astounding.
i am a muslim and i agree sp1814 that all muslims do believe all the principles in Quran,but most don't really follow them.
aND BIRDIE true that Hazrat Aisha married the hol Prophet when she was 9 but she started living with him when she was 11.And remember birdie this marriage took place long back you don't know the circumstances and maybe,at that time a man marrying a 9 year old girl was not considered strange and this marriage was not forced upon Aisha.In todays world you won't see a single muslim doing that.
Careful, blackeyed, certain posters on here may slime their way onto the link as you've admitted to being Muslim, and give you a hard time.

They can do so, of course, because their cloak of anonymity is protecting them.
paraffin,by link i think you mean the link about Aisha,i am not worried about that, it wold have the same information.
secondly,i am proud to be a muslim paraffin, i am not afraid of people giving me a hard time for being one.
Has anyone read Shakespeare - Romeo & Juliet? Lady Capulet moaned at Juliet for not being married at the age of 13.
Oh - I am so glad to see my little birdie yet once again telling half truth, twisted words and long posts. It may confuse few but as I said before, many would look into Islam more positively due to your posts and find out truth about Islam. After all we all know what happened in this world since 9/11.
More propaganda against Islam = More people looking into Islam and converting to Islam.

So carry on my dear friend you have no idea how good a job you are doing.

By the way you still owe me one answer. According to you every Muslim's mission is to kill all non Muslims. With 1.8 billion Muslims in this world trying to kill non believers how have you managed to survive so far?
Hi Keyplus. As you very well know (but chose to forget) I have already answered your question so many times that this will be the last time I explain it. I shall also bookmark it so that when you ask it again (as you surely will), it will save me the bother of repeating myself.

Question: �According to you every Muslim's mission is to kill all non Muslims. With 1.8 billion Muslims in this world trying to kill non believers how have you managed to survive so far?�

Answer: Firstly, it's NOT ACCORDING TO ME. There are literally hundreds of quotes that advocate the killing or subjugation of unbelievers in the Koran. Here are just three, in no particular order...

Chapter 47, verse 4. d=HolKora.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts /english/modeng/parsed&tag=public∂=47&di vision=div1

Chapter 2, verse 191 d=HolKora.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts /english/modeng/parsed&tag=public∂=2&div ision=div1

Chapter 9, verse 29 d=HolKora.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts /english/modeng/parsed&tag=public∂=9&div ision=div1

Secondly, I have stated many, many times that I do NOT believe that all Muslims want to murder non-Muslims. Does that make Islam harmless? No it does not.

Is every member of the BNP a white supremacist that wants to kill black people? No.
Is the BNP ideology odious? Yes.

Can you grasp the the analogy Keyplus?

I do not believe that you are an evil man nor do I believe that the Muslims I work with everyday are evil individuals plotting my demise. But I do firmly believe that the religion of Islam is fundamentally dangerous because with it, you can justify murder of innocents. You can justify subjugation of women. You can justify treachery and deceit. With Islam you can, if you so chose, justify any number of appalling actions and simply claim that you are just doing what Allah has instructed you to do.
Oneeyedvic, blackeyed, paraffin, Quinlad and sp1814.

Are you all male? I strongly suspect that you are. Are any of you homosexual?

I'm only asking because I suspect that you would have a slightly different take on this matter if you were female and/or homosexual. It's easy to say, oh Islam's not a problem, etc. when you're a blokey bloke who fancies birds. But what if you were a woman, or a male homosexual, or (heaven forbid) a gay woman?

Do you think that you'd consider Islam to be quite so harmless then?

If you're interested in a disaffected female's point of view, you can always listen to Wafa Sultan... ture=fvw

Keyplus � don't click on the above links. You won't like what you hear.
Keyplus � You keep alluding to the so called �fact� that loads of people are converting to Islam. Where is your evidence for this? Have a look here to see just how unjustifiable your position on this matter is... fastest_growing_religion

You love to accuse me of propaganda don't you?

But claiming that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world (as you have on many occasions previously) you are guilty of the very thing you accuse me of of.

If Islam is growing I would suggest that it's likely to be because of the birth rate more than anything else. And as we all know, the split second a child is born, it is automatically counted as a member of its parent's religion (even though it clearly has no say in the matter).

If it's not down to the birth rate, then if Islam is growing, I can only assume that the population of this planet is getting more and more insane, illogical and moronic.
What Islam and every other religion boils down to is this...

There is an invisible man in the sky.
He made the universe and the earth.
He made men and women and every animal and plant on that earth.
He came to a certain individual and told him (and it always is a Him isn't it?) His message.

He then ******** off and left no concrete proof that He even existed at all. So all we have, at best, is a second-hand account by someone who �saw� or �heard� something.

Apparently, this obtuse behaviour is a test...
Hiya birdie...sp1814 is gay, parrafin is a muslim if that carry on
Looking forward to seeing the Muslims who break the law in the UK beheaded at half time at Old Trafford next season : - )
Forgot to add,

Hope the season tickets don't go up to much!
i am a girl birdie and very contended with m religion.
i can debate with you on this topic for hours but i see it going nowhere.i don't know how you come up with these many links,are these something you have researched or somebody else gives them to you?
and about the links you posted about the Quranic verses,where were they ?.i couldn't find them.
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trt,did they behead the muslims?if there is anything about it on the internet please post the links.
Only 85? That's not nearly enough. If a few more hands were lopped off thieves we might see a real reduction in crime.
My little birdie- What did I say �You twist the words� and as long as you will keep on doing that, you will come across me.

Now let�s see what you said,

None of your links seems to work, then I am not sure what University of Virginia will tell you about Quran. But I will give you same verses from a reputable interpreter,

Quran 47:4. Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah.s Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost.

When 313 unarmed people are in the battlefield up against1000 very well equipped then you need this sort of words for uplifting your morale. If you do not know history of Islam then at least find out what Churchill said before going into war against Hitler�s Germany.

Quran 2:191. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

I do wish you had looked at one verse before that and two after, but of course you were picking and choosing so I will help you. So here is one before that.

Quran 2:190. Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

And two after,

Quran 2:192. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

193. And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.

Clearly your third Link (Verse) is about War time too.
Now let�s go further and see what else you said.

Wed 01/07/09
00:58 Continued....

Secondly, I have stated many, many times that I do NOT believe that all Muslims want to murder non-Muslims. Does that make Islam harmless? No it does not.

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