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appeal of Muslim faith

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flipnflap | 11:47 Fri 06th Nov 2009 | News
51 Answers
can anyone explain the appeal of the Muslim faith? I cannot for the life of me understand it, especially for women? Certainly the public image is of restrictions, antiquated customs and views, and hatred of the US and UK. Enlighten me please. And, if nobody can, maybe someone can explain why Islam is tolerated


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Oneeyed.....if the Spaniards came to the UK to live, they would be expected to abide by our laws and not provide laws of their own.

When one goes to Saudi Arabia, one is expected to respect lslamic laws

One Moslems come to the UK, they have grown to such an extent in numbers and in Political importance that they are now trying to adapt UK law to their own ideas. That was the point that i was trying to make.

The apology.............if I have got my facts wrong, then please accept my apology.
Nobody has a clue about the percentage of Muslims in the UK and figures vary from expert to expert, that is from 2% to 10% and that excludes all the illegal immigrants, all Muslim, that are unlikely to surrender their details to a census. Let's take 10% of a population of 70million.................7million, plus the fact that procreation at an alarming degree, seem to be a part of their religion.

If I have exagerated, then I aplogise
///One Moslems come to the UK, they have grown to such an extent in numbers and in Political importance that they are now trying to adapt UK law to their own ideas. That was the point that i was trying to make. ///

I am not exactly sure what you mean here, but I presume that you think that Muslims are trying to change British Law to suit hem - if that is your meaning, then can you let me know a law that they are trying to change or 'adapt'.

///The apology.............if I have got my facts wrong, then please accept my apology.
Nobody has a clue about the percentage of Muslims in the UK and figures vary from expert to expert, that is from 2% to 10% and that excludes all the illegal immigrants, all Muslim, that are unlikely to surrender their details to a census. Let's take 10% of a population of 70million.................7million, plus the fact that procreation at an alarming degree, seem to be a part of their religion. ///

Nice that you have changed from 10-20% to now 2% to 10%.
You still seem to think that 'experts' give you these figures.

Please can you tell me of any of these experts (and maybe supply a link to their survey / findings) as I doubt that even the BNP would consider there to be 7 million Muslims in the country today.
Oneeyed.....I respect you lack of concern for the affect of Islam on the UK and I sincerely hope that you are correct.
/// You are an incredibly rude and ignorant man.////

That is rich coming from someone that has been most rude and insulting to me in the past.

Interesting to note that hardly any have condemned the numerous recent atrocities carried out under the name of Islam. .

and the blokes dont even use a burkha to cover them up
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Does every piece of bad behaviour need condemnation? Doesn't it go without saying?

Only it's being widely reported that a George Maben was convicted of murder today and I've not heard you condeming him.

Please can you set up a George Maben condemnation thread so we can all condemn him and showcase how moral and upstanding we are.

//That is rich coming from someone that has been most rude and insulting to me in the past. //

I am never nothing but polite to you. I may vigorously disagree with almost everything you post, but that is different than being insulting.

I have never have for example, wrongly accused you of supporting mass murderers. Now that really is insulting and probably worth a lot stronger reply, than the polite one I posted.
On the Saudi Arabian example,

It's interesting that people have a negative view of Islam and criticise the intolerance of Muslim countries towards Christianity.

Yet in the same breath people suggest acting the exact same way these countires do. "Saudia Arabia wouldn't let us set up churches. We shouldn't let Muslims set up mosques." Is it a tit-for-tat thing? Does that take precedence over our long-standing values?

Interesting. I thought Britishness was made of sterner stuff. Seems not.
Quinlad...........what makes you think that Britishness is made of "sterner stuff?"

It may have done at one time.......but now?.........I am not so sure.

"Tit for tat" I have no objection too, but it seems that at the moment the UK seems to be getting all "TIT"
un1corn ///I didn't want to get involved but i agree with everything Sqad has said. If i went to another country i would abide by their rules, not demand rights and try to change that country to accommodate me. ///

And I will ask you the same question that Sqad seems reluctant to answer - what 'rights' have Muslims demanded and what laws have they tried to alter?

Sqad ///I respect you lack of concern for the affect of Islam on the UK and I sincerely hope that you are correct.///

I am not overly concerned because I actually research articles and look at both sides of an argument rather than making up statistics which are erroneous and meaningless to pander to my prejudices.
oneeyed....well done.....I have great faith in you.
I doubt you have faith in me Sqad - as I have stated and you have shown, you make up your own statistics and have a blinkered view.

You make up lies that even the BNP wouldn't dare utter as they would realise how ridiculous they would sound.
oneeyed.....give it a are quite correct in your beliefs.
Sorry, never happy to give it a rest when people (like you) lie to get their own prejudices in the public domain. Try reading about the lies that Hitler told the people about - sadly some people are happy to lie and exaggerate for effect - when I find these people, I like to point out their stupidity.

If you don't like this attitude, then I suggest that you do not lie or exaggerate - pretty simple really. have pointed out my stupidity and you have exposed me for what I am......a liar and one who exaggerates.

Will that do oneeyed?
TBH most of the moslems I know love it here and admit the could not hack it in a moslem country.
Around 1.30 today I was driving home, passing a disused warehouse that now apparently seems to be a meeting place for Friday prayers for muslim men, there were hundreds of men pouring out of this place.

My first thought was - how do they get the time off work ?
A good number of people with immense knowledge have said so much here. Unfortunately I think the real question is still unanswered.

Flipnflap. To find the answer to your question, why don't you do some search yourself and study about Islam from reputable sources. You may find that what you always thought was right, in fact turned out to be wrong. Being a Muslim myself I always had been confused about the information or misconceptions people in Europe have about Islam. Where have they got all this from? That made me read my own (Islamic) history. But most of the answers I found in a book written by Karen Armstrong "Muhammed".

She gave a complete detail of fictional books written centuries ago by the Crusaders to spread cooked stories about Islam as they were afraid of the closure of their business with the spread of Islam. I am sorry to say that huge number of people still believe in those fictional stories. And those who look outside of that, enter Islam. And yes including women too. Actually women are in majority. Amazed? you must be.

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