Family & Relationships6 mins ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
https:/ /news.s story/t rump-ca mpaign- co-mana ger-cal ls-lord -peter- mandels on-an-a bsolute -moron- as-peer -is-con firmed- as-star mers-ne w-us-am bassado r-13277 216 ...
Retail sales fell for the third month in a row, with no signs of improvement. Inflation at an 8 month high. Government borrowing £2b more than predicted. Yesterday I went to Asda and Aldi,... ...
Sir Keir is to add Dozens of new peers to the House of Lords. Starting with a Gong for Sue Gray along with 30 more people for peerages, in a bid to increase the number of Labour members.Good man.... ...
https:/ /news.s story/g ermany- latest- man-arr ested-a fter-ca r-drive n-into- people- at-chri stmas-m arket-i n-magde burg-13 277329 Should get the usual terrorist supporters in their usual contorted... ...
https:/ /news.s story/g ermany- car-dri ven-int o-peopl e-at-ch ristmas -market -132773 01 ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /clyx9k plge8o Who leaked ? That is supposed to be a state secret ! ...
What do you think they should do, when they have gone with an ambulance to help someone who is drunk or drugged up (self inflicted) and this person assaults or spits at them? I think they should... ...
One of the most popular songs this festive season is Freezing This Christmas by Sir Starmer And The Granny Harmers,has anyone heard it on any of the BBC radio channels.Maybe,i missed it?
And so well deserved, Julie Elliot, Lyn Brown, Steve McCabe, and Margaret Curran, household names and top class talent: https:/ / /news/a rticles /c1ln8z 0jdz3o ...
not Joe Biden, and not since day 1 of his presidency, according to various media outlets... ...
It is a really good news day today, just heard that the government are to fund hospice care with 126 million. Santa is delivering early in all directions this week. ☆<:○)
What say you?
Mohammed Amaaz, 20, is charged with two offences of causing actual bodily harm, one charge of assaulting an emergency worker and one charge of common assault. Muhammed Amaad, 25, is charged with... ...
The good news just keeps coming. Retail sales up by 0.2% in November, and thats without counting Black Friday sales, so even more good news yet to come.
More good news from government. KS said councils can get on with repairing potholes, giving 1.6 billion to do so. Happy days.
Good news eh. Government borrowing fell last month by 11.2 billion, the lowest in 3 years.
https:/ / /news/a rticles /cpvnlx xp8jko ....that should please the trumpster! ...
i cannot fathom out why, the companies have been paying themselves millions+ and dupming raw sewage regularly, is it like a thumb in the dyke? legal... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/19 90800/k eir-sta rmer-fu ture-le adershi p-labou r-popul arity?i nt_sour ce=nba ...
https:/ / /news/l ive/cnv 35lp14z 9t One brave lady. ...