Actually, i think it is you who is missing the point:
/// I genuinely get the impression that this couple are gloating that they're on benefits///
Do you think that they wrote the article or the journalist did? A (gutter) journalists job is to write articles that people will read. No one wants to read about the fact that if you scrimp and save, you can enjoy Christmas.
/// and have mod cons /// why do you think that they have all mod cons. Because you know, or becuase that is your perception becuase of the way the article is written. Do you think they have a 50" plasma tv or a 21" CRT tv? Do you think they have a PS3? How do you know, or are your perceptions working overtime?
/// all paid for by someone else thank you very much./// when did he give up his job due to his disability and how much was he earning before? How much did he save and how long before he started to claim?
/// I still fail to see how you can be on the dole due to a groin injury and yet still keep on doling (no pun intended) kids out. /// When did he go off on the sick? His youngest child is 7 months old, so it may be that he hasn't had sex in 16 months. The article doesn't mention when his groin problem started.
This is exactly what is wrong with this type of gutter journalism. It gives a load of innuendos and lets the reader make it out to be worse than it is.
I particularly like the line: ///The rise in handouts allows them to drive an expensive Italian sports car///
What is expensive? How old is the car?
I have a friend who drives an Alfa and I text him this morning after seeing this article with that same comment. He earns about £15,000 a year.