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Is Britain the most tolerant nation in the world?

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R1Geezer | 12:47 Wed 06th Jan 2010 | News
35 Answers
It seems the mad Mullah that wants to March through WB, is in fact on benefits to the tune of 25K. What other country would it be possible to organise extremist events whilst still getting free dosh of the hosts? He get's more than a lot of the soldiers fighting and dying in the sh1th0les of the midlle east! Are we tolerant or stupid? Why don't we just stop his benefits and send him to Afghanistan and be done with it?


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hear hear...
I have to work full-time 40 plus hours a week to get that. For the NHS.
Careful, you'll make Jake go hysterical again.
I would ask Bobbi to come on here and give her two-penneth, but you lot have scared her off....

How pathetic.
Don't you start on me.... x
I completely agree. It seems absolutely inconcievable that that one of the "enemies" we are fighting should be allowed to stay here, let alone getting benefits.
I could do with £25K a year - as could could thousands of others who are working their socks off week after week for far less.
When will our government ever learn
It is a sectarian march and all sectarian marches should be banned
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great contibution mosesg, did you even read the kin question? Try it!, then have a go at answering. What a J Arthur!
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it's not about the march, I only said that so you'd know who I mean, the question is about tolerance v Stupidity when it comes to paying this guy 25K to hate us.
£25k is not enough to make me live in leytonstone.
i'd want 4 times that + expenses
I am here salla, no
get rid of those people who are milking our system, let them live exactly where they support the cause !!!!
Welcome to the debate bobbi, and the affray...!
R1G is quite correct - our country is too tolerant and sometimes very stupid. We should live in France - they don't tolerate all this cr@p that our government does...
"We should live in France "

Are you mad? That'd mean living with French folk! Mind you, could have been worse, you could have suggested Belguim.
Well I have made my feelings very clear on people who take from us and contribute nothing, black, white, brown, yellow or spotty...we don't want them !!
R1.We are stupid, or at least the pathetic Noo Labour Government lead by McBottle and Non Justice Jack "man of" Straw are.

Generally the British take alot but history shows that when pushed too far we go for it. Can't wait myself send this scum packing and save a fortune.
I'll take Belgians over the Fench any day. France is a lovely country just a shame about the populatrion. They do get it right on some things though.
Lol Boo.
Maybe I should have said Holland...!
get all the mad Mullahs together, stick them on a boat, take them to a remote uninhabited island with shark infested waters...and leave them there !!!!!

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