Jake has produced an excellent precis of the past events, of which I agree entirely.
March saw an outbreak of a new type of flu which was causing deaths.
The scientists said that it was dangerous, liable to spread and a second more severe wave was forecast for the forthcoming winter.
The Government took the advice of the scientists and "fast tracked " a vaccine and bought vast quantities of tamiflu.
I agreed with the scientists and I was wrong.
The vaccine produced was of two types, one simple vaccine and one containing an additive and this "spooked the" the population who still remembered Guillon-Barre complications and the Tony Blair single or triple dose MMR and it's complications.
Why 2 different types of vaccines, the public were asking........no answer.
What have the scientists learned from this outbreak?...........NOTHING
We do not know how many H1N1 infections were present (no diagnosis being made) we do not know the efficacy of Tamiflu or the vaccine, their side effects or any signs of mutation in the virus.
How not to manage a new viral epidemic.