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/// The next day when Mrs Donnison left, her husband changed the locks.///
/// But she returned on Tuesday and threw a brick through a side window to get in. Police were called and Mr Donnison left the house at 8.40pm.///
/// Last November, custody of Ollie, 12, and Will, 15, her sons from a previous marriage, was given to her ex-husband Derek McCrow who she divorced in 2003.///
/// Social services in East Sussex and Surrey were alerted to problems within the family.///
/// But after carrying out an assessment, social workers decided not to take the children into care despite evidence of domestic violence.///
/// Susan Butcher, a close family friend, said: 'He [Mr Donnison] told us his wife had a history of broken relationships with family members, lengthy periods of refusing to speak and mildly abhorrent behaviour.///
/// 'When they first met he discovered she had colossal debts and he cleared them for her.///
/// She said the couple tried to get back together over Christmas but their relationship disintegrated quickly.///
/// 'Paul told us she had now amassed another £30,000-worth of credit card debt,' she added.///