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Why is this marriage news?

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VHG | 09:01 Wed 03rd Feb 2010 | News
23 Answers
Turned on Teletext on BBC TV this morning, and they have space for 10 "News Headlines.

One of those 10 news items was the fact that some slapper whose has huge lumps of plastic on her chest, has married some nobody in Las Vegas.

Is that really one of the "top 10" news items of the day?

Surely we can find some other news (hopefully good news for a change).


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What happened to the good old days when young girls flooded into airports to scream hysterically at some singer or band!

Now that was proper celebrity obsession and quite right too!
Bring back Nationwide I say. That was real groundbreaking journalism! LOL
It would seem that it is among the top ten seeing that it is on par to the post on smoking, but still well in front of more important news, as this sites posts reveal.

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Why is this marriage news?

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