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Does anyone else think

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suzie1 | 23:15 Fri 26th Mar 2010 | News
32 Answers
the hubby killed his wife in the post office murder in the small village, as no one seems to have seen anyone and the police are suspicious...
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i think he def did it himself
gotta a link ?
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no i havent, i dont know how to do links, i just heard it on the news tamb, and the officer reporting said, no one has seen this mystery man that killed her
you possibly need to be cautious about throwing around accusations of murder; the world is full of libel lawyers.
It is,I suppose, human nature to speculate on these tragic incidents - I find such speculation both profitless and distateful myself - We have a basic presumption of "innocent until proven guilty" in this country , but before any sort of case has even been made, you are potentially causing additional distress to a man who has just lost his wife and her family.

Is throwing your speculations around worth causing such distress, do you think?
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No newsdesk, and that's way we like it, can do without your reminders of him too. let sleeping dogs lie eh?
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Newsdesk- a week or so ago you swore blind that the person making horrible accusations on SAB wasn't you, stupidly I believed you too. Let's not ruin a legitimate post with more of your insane and vicious rants about someone no one else cares about. Keep your frothing at the mouth rants to SAB, from what I've seen they fit right in there.

Sorry suzie.
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I really do think you have a few screws loose Newsdesk. If you have any real concerns about Leg, then report your suspicions to the police. Until then, give us a break- you're becoming dull and boring. Have you thought about staying in SAB permanently?
I believe that the husband was responsible.
Admittedly, apart from the news reports (which seem to be leaning that way) I have only my understanding of human nature to base this belief upon.

It is a tragedy for her family and I certainly shan't be gloating if I'm proven correct.....
I must admit I was thinking the same thing, but did'nt want to be the first to say it.
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poor family, god bless them, rest in peace, she seemed like a nice lady. hope they catch who killed her asap......hubby or not
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Some things dont add up. If you were going to rob a post office why enter from the living quarters. If you have a gun why bludgeon someone to death. How come husband heard nothing, no struggle, noone crying out for help. Husband said the person "might have" taken the mask off when he left. Either he did or he didnt. Why did he call an ambulance and the ambulance people called the police. Why have the police taken away the family car. Why did people coming and going from an open shop/post office not see a six foot masked man with a gun. Just some of the reasons that might make you think this is not a straight forward robbery with violence.
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same as grassharp,what more do we need
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no, lets wait till monday, might find out more, then we can get the lynch mob sorted!

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