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wendilla | 13:54 Sun 28th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Just went to make a cuppa . Kettle not working lighting up ok Damn damn.


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i'll make you one...

just heat the water up i your microwave or on the stove
Your the second person I've heard of this week whose kettle has broke! Hope I'm not the third :o/
Argos are doing half price kettles during April.
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yes the microwave visit to asda or argos tomorrow.
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and thanks mccfluff milk and no sugar ,sweet enough
I switched my cooker on and all the lights went out. All Ok now but unexpectued - and I don't have the microwave solution at the mo, it's in the hospital getting a new transformer. Normally I'd bin it but it's a good combi oven which is still working fine, so I;ve gone for the repair option. Can't wait to have it back!
That's strange. Ours died yesterday: sparks aflying. Went to Walmart to get looks like a space-ship:)

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