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Any Labour supporters on here?

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bobjugs12 | 16:49 Thu 06th May 2010 | News
31 Answers
I want to know if there are any proper Labour supporters left, or if everyone who voted for them just anti-Tory?


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Cameron has done more than any other Conservative leader EVER to make the Tories look attractive to me (right up until that car crash of an interview he did with Gay Times).

However - a party isn't just a leader, and I know I could never look in the mirror if I aligned myself with certain sections of the party.

But I'm more pro-Labour than anti-Tory.

Labour is a good fit for me.

They have my unequivocal vote.
speak for yourself cazz ;o). The only debt I have and have ever had is my mortgage. I was brought up to save up for what I wanted or needed and make do until I could afford it. Hopefully mortgage free in the next two years. I have never claimed benefits and always hunted to find work to support my family. I may be old fashioned, but you can't help your values.
I have been voting labour since 1959 and will do so as long as I am able. As for being anti Tory ABSOLUTELY. I with thousands of others lost jobs under the Thatcher administration. That woman spread her canker across the land simply to avenge one man, Arthur Scargill.
Going back in time Winston Churchill had the troops fire on striking miners. Anti Tory, you bet
sp ...

An unequivocal vote doesn't count double, or anything.

A totally half-hearted vote is worth exactly the same.

So ... not dwelling in the past, or anything, kestrelg ?

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well in droylsden we have two votes today one local and the general one
annie I was referring to the countrys debt. I dont have debt, I cannot afford to as a carer.
Ahhh - get you now cazz - thought you were talking about the way that the whole country seemed to think that they needed to have everything now, borrow the money and don't pay later - just claim that you were misled and get off with it. Surely people arn't that thick that they can't work out what they can afford to pay - I am not talking about here the poor people who suddenly find themselves unemployed or sick or something, just those that lived for today and expect everyone else to pay for it. Some people seem to believe that the government, whoever they are, have a magic pot of gold that they use to fund things and it is not paid for by our taxes, how some people expect to have the best of everything and the lowest of taxes, i'll never fathom.
annie0000 The Tories sold off the council houses at a discount depending on how long the tenant had been paying rent , not at rock bottom prices. . The majority of those council tenants were Labour supporters and it gave them the chance denied them by Labour to own their own homes and an asset they could leave to their chidren. This whole policy resulted in run down council estates changing to very nice places to live. The tenants now had pride in their homes which they could improve for themselves not for a council landlord. Left to you several million home owners today would still be paying rent in sink estates .
If the Tory policy was wrong why didn't Labour remake your Soviet Utopia ?
Why haven't they built thousands of council houses ? They have had 13 years to do it . Could it be that they, if not you , realise people want to own their own homes?
I'm a Labour supporter but my constituency was a straight fight between Lib Dem and Tory, so I voted Lib Dem. Quite happily.

A lot of Tories find this wrong. But it's what you get when you're obsessed with the first-past-the-post system. So tough t*ts.

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Any Labour supporters on here?

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