It is not an offence or illegal to own a TV set, it is only illegal to watch or record TV as it is broadcast.
You are perfectly entitled to own a TV set to watch DVDS or videos of whatever , films you may rent or buy etc.
There are numerous good sites all about the BBC and its so called "enforcment" methods.
When they send their numerous letters out why should you have to pay to reply to them, to let them know that you dont own or watch TV, the phone is an 0845 number, theres no reply paid envelope.
Look at the names on the letters they send you eg John Hale, he seems to have numerous totally different signature and seems to work at offices all over the country,
As i said earlier there are some great sites and they have loads of info, all the various letter signatories and their multitude of differnt signature.
The only thing worth paying for is to send them a recorded letter
from a template that these sites have, a "Withdrawl of implied rights of access"
in other words you are telling them they cant come onto your property and if they do then that is trespass and under UK law you can call the police to have them removed.
people like the postman and meter readers etc have Implied rights of access by law
they call the people that come round to check "enforcers" but they arent they are salespeople trying to scare you into buying a licence, they have no legal right to enforce anything
Phuck the BBC and its tax, imagine paying a tax to have Tescos even though you never shop there, you only use Sainsburys .
Just like the Civil Service (its an unofficial dept. as far as i'm concerned) its over staffed, innefficient wasteful etc etc