I really doubt Moat's uncle is qualified to make the judgement. Not out of know-how, but emotional clouding. The man has been quite vocal in his criticism of the police for how they handled it, and has famously insisted that it would have gone differently had the police allowed him to negotiate (which regardless of how well he knew Raoul is impossible to say given that he'd quite clearly gone off the edge).
Gromit, your concern is understandable, but will it really help in this case? I think it's important to bear in mind police morale. They've had a lot of quite public criticism thrown at them in this case when they seem to have done an excellent job cornering him. While it's important to root out and punish police excesses and abuses, it's just as vital to praise them when they do a good job. Even -if- (and I do say if) there was a little foul play in this incident (and I can't see how it could be more than a little), it seems more trouble than it's worth considering the damage it'll do to police morale.