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Non tolerant Dubai

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anotheoldgit | 11:10 Thu 05th Aug 2010 | News
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Can one imagine what would be said if a person in this country was to go up to a woman wearing a Burka and told her that she was causing offence?

Who would be the one our police questioned?

/// A source within Dubai police said: 'The British woman was wearing a very low top and most of her legs were on display.///


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I've just reread your post.

Are you SERIOUSLY saying that this bloke simply 'objected to the burqa'?

Are you on the side of the thugs? Would YOU walk up to a woman in the street and pull off her veil, simply because you objected to her wearing it?

How would that make you different from (say) a Muslim chap who forced his wife to wear one in the first place.

Shame, shame, shame on you.

Seriously. What you've posted disappoints me greatly.
The daughter was offered a very lucrative 3 year contract to work in Dubai.......she read up about the place, and as she wasn't sure she could abide by their laws decided against taking the job.........simple really.
^^There you go. Quite right. Solution in a nutshell.
The woman was dressed in a bikini which is against the law in Dubai, this is why she was arrested.

There is no law in this country against the Burkha.

As we were not there we have no idea what the provokation or not was. We have anecdotal evidence but who did that come from?

As is well documented theese people treat thier own far harsher than they do westerners.

This is a totaly unsubstatiated none story.
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sp1814 First you answer my post 14:13 on Thu 05/Aug/10) and then you say I've just reread your post, 14:15 on Thu 05/Aug/10)

What difference did you find when you re-read it, enough to come out with your later out-burst?

Yes I am seriously saying "he objected to the Burka".

Seriously objected enough to forcibly remove her niqab I do not condone his later action, but I would support his objections.

But how this can be classed as a racial assault since Islam isn't a race, and the very fact that he received a 2 year jail sentence is a disgrace in itself. Knocking off a rastafarian's head gear would not get the same sentence.

If a white person came behind you as a black person and ripped off your top coat, that could loosely be described as a racist attack, but once again would not carry a custodial sentence.

Don't ask, what if the person was black and ripped off a white person's top coat?
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/// The woman's an idiot. Try walking along the seafront in Monte Carlo with no shirt on, AOG. You'd soon be told to cover up. Wherever you are, if there's a dress code, then you abide by it. Full stop. ///

Couldn't agree more, what I am saying it is about time we introduced a dress code in this country, without some shouting "it should be our choice to wear what we like".
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it is about time we introduced a dress code in this country, without some shouting "it should be our choice to wear what we like".

You're not serious are you?

A country-wide dress code - how on earth would that work?
Although I am not a fan of Burkah but who could cause or be a reason for an accident on the road, One who is wearing Burkah or the one who is wearing bikini?
You wrote:

Seriously objected enough to forcibly remove her niqab I do not condone his later action, but I would support his objections.

You cannot just go around assaulting people because you feel like it. Where would it end?

Furthermore, "Knocking off a rastafarian's head gear would not get the same sentence" - that's just unlikely, because cowards like that young man would only go for a soft target (lone woman). He wouldn't try the same on with a Rasta because he probably knows he wouldn't end up in court...

...he would most likely end up in hospital.
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/// A country-wide dress code - how on earth would that work? ///

Apparently it works in other countries.

/// You cannot just go around assaulting people because you feel like it. Where would it end? ///

I have already said "I did not condone his later action" (that being the assault)

/// because cowards like that young man would only go for a soft target (lone woman). He wouldn't try the same on with a Rasta ///..

How do you know that the young man is a coward or just a person who doen't like Burkas?

And how do you know that the Rasta would not also be a coward, and run to the nearest policeman shouting "racist"?

.If as you said he might end the young man up in hospital, then what can one say about that violent action?

Maybe the courts would then charge the Rasta aa being 'a violent racist'?
For goodness sake. Yadder Yadder Yadder.

///Are there no Day Centres?

And the Pensioners' tea dances - are they still in operation?

I was afraid that something had happened to stop them in their useful course///

(with apologies to Charles Dickens)

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Just upsetting you, is a good enough reason to keep posting, and we all know I am pretty good at that..
lol may have been the no sex if you're single, the restrictions on drinking, or the dress code. I remember when she had to go on a business trip to Libya she came to borrow some cotton blouses with long sleeves so as not to offend anyone.
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The salary and tax breaks for working in the UAE for a few years can be well worth remembering not to break the rules while you're out in public - if I could work out there, I would.
True LOL

But I am heartened by your concern over the provision of Halal meat and its cruel killing practices.

Only meat that comes from slaughter-houses using practices that comply with our stringent animal welfare laws should be available in this country.

That includes imported meats.

Blimey. Arab face covering and halal meat. A third topic we agree on and we're officially sweethearts ....
so she deliberately took off her clothes to taunt the locals and the locals arrested her. My guess is anyone dressing indecently would also be ushered from Bluewater, if not arrested.
"Who would be the one our police questioned? "

Well in this instance it was both women who were detained and questioned.

A man who assaults a lone woman is a coward.

Full stop.

And can you clarify something...when you say you don't condone his 'later action'...what was his 'earlier action'?

Did he have a dialogue with the woman? Did he sit down and tell her how nervous he attire made him?

Thug and coward.

Now in jail for a couple of place for him.

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