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Non tolerant Dubai

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anotheoldgit | 11:10 Thu 05th Aug 2010 | News
45 Answers

Can one imagine what would be said if a person in this country was to go up to a woman wearing a Burka and told her that she was causing offence?

Who would be the one our police questioned?

/// A source within Dubai police said: 'The British woman was wearing a very low top and most of her legs were on display.///


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You wrote:

"And how do you know that the Rasta would not also be a coward, and run to the nearest policeman shouting "racist"?"

I only hope that in THAT hypothetical situation, the perpetrator would get the smacking he so thoroughly deserved - like that lad who decided to take on the three chaps who he assumed were trannies...and it turned out they were all cage fighters out on a stag party.

He got a good kicking...

... and the country smiled.

We're all fed up with scumbags running aroun d making life difficult for others and it's BRILLIANT when they get their comeuppance, either (and this is preferable) in court or where necessary, on the street.
In case you'd forgotten, or not seen it...
In case you'd forgotten, or not seen it...
AOG in response to me. //what I am saying it is about time we introduced a dress code in this country, without some shouting "it should be our choice to wear what we like". //

Well we haven't, but if we do people would be expected to abide by it whether they're happy with it or not - unlike that silly woman..

How would this national dress code work?

If you were being flippant (as I honestly HOPE you were), you can ignore the question - but if you were being serious, the question would it work? Who would decide the national standards, and would it be along the lines of 'you can wear this' or 'you can't wear this'?
it'd probably have to look like this, sp1814

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Non tolerant Dubai

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