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Isn't he a gem?

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B00 | 08:17 Tue 21st Sep 2010 | News
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This guy must have something going for him that I clearly can't see. Does anyone else see some sort of Adonis hiding behind all the Chav clothing?



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Have you noticed that, with the exception of his current conquest, the mothers are all fat chav biffers?

Now clearly this oxygen thief is scum, but let's not forget the chav scum he is coupling with. The reported costs are just for the kids the knuckle dragger has fathered. As the mothers are also chavs they have the chav baby making gene whereby they only...
12:33 Tue 21st Sep 2010
Scalpy...not in my world.
the girls are hardly stunners and I should think most of them are doing it to get in papers anyway or sell their story
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Oh loads of regrets scalpy!

What i'm saying is that yes all my past boyfriends were indeed respectable and treated me respectfully in turn. Call me old fashioned, but why would I want ot be with someone who treated me like crap?

So other than having a go at me, do you have any theories on how he is doing this? How is it posible for someone looking like that to be able to woo these girls so easily? You think he really does have the gift of the gab? Are these girls vulnerable? Combination of the two? Or something else?
plus no-one knows if these girls were at a vulnerable point in their lives or if they were longing for a baby so anyone would do
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Looking at some of the handles the women have given their children ~ Angelis, Clio, Jamie Leah, Brandon, Kady etc ~ it doesn't take much to work out that they are all as chavtastic as he is.
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you sound really bitter scalpy.

you aren't the guy in question are you? or one of his ex's?
No, I was never young and drunk and swept off my feet. I have never slept with someone I wasn't in an established relationship with.
so often we see reports of women who have been conned by so called Romeos - most of the times these blokes are hideous but they seem to have something which works - they have sussed out how to prey on vulnerability and it's a very sad fact of life that a lot of women simply don't want to be alone and are susceptible to flattery. Maybe he makes them laugh and feel wanted. We all have a different standards and maybe theirs are at the lower end of the scale.
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And narrr, you didn't scalpy- why I asked the question in the first place. I'm genuinely puzzled how he's done it. If you can offer an explanation as to how it might be possible, im all ears :-)
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My 11 year old grandson is called Brandon Miss N ! Has that name become a chav name now? It was unusual back in 1999, my son named him after Brandon Lee in The Crow which was his favourite filem, maybe that is a chav thing to do but i thought a chav way of naming kids was to make a name up or misspell a real one,
Anyway, this hooglum will never hold down a job, it would be interesting to know how many of his offspring have his name on their birth certificate, cos if he is on any of them then he is financially liable to support them.
ThanQ Scalpy. - How about you kicking off with your stories of behind the bikeshed ect.and drunken antics.
I'm sitting comfortably you may now begin - -

I know lot's of people like me Scalpy...maybe you're just hanging with the wrong type.
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Isn't it Newcastle ish kinda way?

Another thought....

Surely some of these women would have known about him previously? I mean i'm assuming he doesn't travel about much (Xboxes are heavy!). And surely his "deeds" would be known by at least some of them beforehand?
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I hear ya scalpy. Where he actually picked them up from is irrelevant, i agree.

All i was asking was if this man walked up to you, would you even talk to him? Because as ive said, before he'd even opened his gob i'd be clutching my handbag tighter and thinking "Chav".
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Isn't he a gem?

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