But to answer the question properly we could start with the Audit Comission
We already know that most of the accusations against them were either lies or deliberate misinformation.
Like the accusation they took everybody to Newmarket.
Yes - but there was no racing - it was the cheapest conference facility available.
Despite this coming out they accusation has been repeated.
Oh yes say the detractors but private sector will be cheaper - I'm sure they will - in the first year at least - then the private sector will claw back the loss leaders and their share-holders will have their hooks in.
There's a real bad case of short-term thinking going on !
I agree Jake. I work in the IM dept of a local govt. Because of cuts it is thought that we will be too expensive, despite earning less than the private sector. We have offers to run the IM for the Council but the contracts are back-weighted. Dirt cheap for the first couple of years but over the ten year lifetime of the contract almost double what we cost now...
Jake despite you pathetic attempts to justify the myriad of overpaid quangos under labour the fact is we can manage very well without the majority of them
Of course as a good pinko you adopt the stance of exaggeration. This of course is total b*llocks and scaremongering. If you have an ounce of common sense you will realize many of these take us for a ride.
How is the chair in your islington coffe shop with the chattering classes then ?